The different dots simulate ground drivers to create authentic movement situations. The angles simulate directional changes in exercises. These Platform 9 markers serve as external cues and have solid science behind them. External cues are proven to not only make people perform better, but they also assist users in learning movements faster. As health and fitness practitioners, we also get the opportunity to observe more natural and authentic movements from the user.
The key feature of Platform 9™ is that it bridges the gap between different occupations in the field of spatial medicine. It also bridges the gap between screening/observation and training, since these two should really be the same thing. We can now begin to observe and train our clients at the same time. As Gary Gray put it, “The test is the exercise, and the exercise is the test.” We get all the information we need to train a person well by watching her or him exercise on P9.
Using P9 means we can now establish the A for movement, so we can proceed to B, C and so on. Before even choosing any specific sport like yoga, cross-fit, soccer, bodybuilding etc., we can now provide our clients with exercises that restore and reinforce the foundation of human movement.