Procedos have created a system with instant feedback in the training you can do wherever you are.

"We knowed directly when we created th Procedos Platform9 that we should discover and see copycats trying to make shortcuts in the system"

The best partners in business was contacted who could help us with the Brand and concept protection from scammers and copies. 

With that in mind and tons of investments in protection and security for our partners and customers. Procedos have since then upgraded and added more products with design and content.


Since September 2018 we are also in partnership with Gray Institute who have been in the education business for more then 40 years.

Long time relationships and agreements is some of our core-values and something we find is important to bring forward.

Our Certified educations with content that works and is tested with proven results! - always with the curious engine on! AND about how we can learn and add more values for our partners and for the health industry in general.

"We believe that Fitness and health is only something together if we so ourself and try get in balance like one unit, When in sports is not in general health -we are creating bodies to solve the tasks and the target is moving away from health".

Procedos company and team knows what we stand for and would just like to drive our forces in that direction of trust and quality with respect. 

Are you in the training busines with educations or sales? 

Drop us an e-mail and get in contact for cooperation or support. 💻

Thank´s /Team Procedos