Using Procedos Platform9 for Core Exercises

Conclusion Procedos Platform9 provides a comprehensive framework for core training, catering to athletes and fitness enthusiasts at all levels. With the structured use of its nine positions, P9 offers a progressive, dynamic, and functional approach to core development that can be applied to sports performance and everyday life. Its portability ensures you can strengthen your core wherever you are, making it an essential tool for functional fitness.

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Varför Procedos Platform9 är bra för skidåkare!?

Sammanfattning: Procedos Platform9 är ett utmärkt verktyg för att utveckla alla aspekter av styrka som behövs för att bli en bättre skidåkare. Genom att inkludera övningar för maximal styrka, explosiv styrka, uthållighet och funktionell styrka kan skidåkare förbättra sin prestation i backen, minska risken för skador och öka sin förmåga att kontrollera kroppen i alla typer av terräng. Procedos-träningen hjälper till att stärka de muskelgrupper som är mest aktiva vid skidåkning och förbättrar skidåkarens balans, smidighet och uthållighet, vilket gör att du kan åka längre, snabbare och mer effektivt.

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Movement Variability with procedos Platform9

• We automatically decrease movement variability with given tasks. Performance in many sports is about stiffness in certain regions in certain tasks. If we mobilize the segment, we might hinder performance and increase risk of injury. An example can be an old dancer or an old swimmer who have mobility but who have lost the integrity/stiffness when they stopped doing their sport. • Our goal is to maintain, increase or decrease MV depending on the person and on the task. • We believe that given the right exercise, the system will take care of the MV, as it is a self- regulating system. • In changing MV verbal cues are unlikely to produce a sustained learning environment. We believe that...

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Load and Explode in functional training with Procedos Platform9

Learn how to load to Expload and to be Explosive!  procedos is adding new trainingprograms so you can learn how to control the Decelerative phase of your movement and to be able to have a power concentric output. The perception of the capacity of absorbing force in the lower limbs allows you to be more efficient in your sport movement and also to have a complete setting of motor control in your life. So you can be ready to cut against your opponents on the field or be ready if you suddenly fall in a little hole while you are walking. Decelerative control it's not only about lower limbs, but it's also about your core and your balance.

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PATENT & TM   Procedos have created a system with instant feedback in the training you can do wherever you are. "We knowed directly when we created th Procedos Platform9 that we should discover and see copycats trying to make shortcuts in the system" The best partners in business was contacted who could help us with the Brand and concept protection from scammers and copies.  With that in mind and tons of investments in protection and security for our partners and customers. Procedos have since then upgraded and added more products with design and content.   Since September 2018 we are also in partnership with Gray Institute who have been in the education business for more then 40 years. Long...

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