P.E.One grupclass training with Procedos Platform9

Post in the Instagram from coach @_fridadahl I'm in love again.  In sweat, skin, endorphins and energy.  In loud music and fighting spirit.  Love to be back at work and kick off the body with lots of exercise now after a nice summer 💙 Love how good it makes you feel.  I am clearly the best version of myself when I activate the body regularly and it Give me response! The picture is after my absolute favourite workout: P.E One.  In that session, strength, explosiveness, reaction and movement in different directions are trained and challenged.  @ahlinjenny you are a genius 🙏 Two things I can say about that class, 1. I ALWAYS have exercise pain the days after.  Says something...

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What is Function?

We define function as the summation of an individuals needs and wants required to accomplish a goal. Therefore, in order for an exercise to be functional, it must have a purpose. We will use the R3 programming to identify, categorize, then program for each client’s individual goals. By understanding and implementing the Functional Sphere, we can assess and RESTORE motion.   1st Principle Functional Sphere Satisfy Needs What Is It? Imagine a giant bubble surrounding your body. Where does it end? By using either your hand or foot, reach as far away from your body as possible in all directions. These are the outer limits of your current functional sphere. And it is within this sphere where all functional exercise...

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Checklist for success with clients with Procedos and how to use Platform9

Where is more movement, function needed? We all want to improve movement / function with where? What is right? How can you Use the Procedos Platform9 in your testing and create systematic ways to success? Some questioin we can ask ourself in the coaching. Which movement (s) are working? How do you know that? ( is the test relevant?) To create success is to find compensation patterns, what prevents function? ( Foot-knee-hip-spine-neck-arms etc.) Where is the energy used? Where are the energy thieves? Local structures can affect the massive "spider web" Put out fire Tissue tolerance, even if there is optimal function, we can still be damaged due to the lack of tissue tolerance Checklist for training success with clients...

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PATENT & TM   Procedos have created a system with instant feedback in the training you can do wherever you are. "We knowed directly when we created th Procedos Platform9 that we should discover and see copycats trying to make shortcuts in the system" The best partners in business was contacted who could help us with the Brand and concept protection from scammers and copies.  With that in mind and tons of investments in protection and security for our partners and customers. Procedos have since then upgraded and added more products with design and content.   Since September 2018 we are also in partnership with Gray Institute who have been in the education business for more then 40 years. Long...

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讓我們談談功能訓練 Procedos Platform9

讓我們談談功能訓練功能訓練或法語功能訓練通過避免受傷和改善身體機能,幫助您為日常活動做好身體和肌肉的準備。Procedos platform9是經過多年研究(與格雷學院合作)而開發的功能性培訓墊。它提供了將功能性訓練策略整合到您所有鍛煉中的功能,從而每天更加高效。它用於身體準備和康復。Procedos Platform 9™墊為功能培訓提供了一種簡單而係統的方法。易於使用和樂趣,它可以迅速為您帶來以下方面的好處:提高動作質量改善身體成分預防傷害。借助Procedos,可以提供最佳的功能培訓體驗。在許多運動中被許多專業人士使用。在Procedos Platform 9™上進行的培訓可提高您在日常生活中最常練習的動作的效率。因此,您每天都會更有效率,同時避免受傷。我們墊子的獨特設計不僅可以指導您,還可以為您的功能訓練創建無數的新練習。 外型尺寸墊子尺寸為100 x 130厘米,由可拉伸的橡膠製成,具有最佳的安全性和功能性。Procedos Platform 9™墊(專利設計)可折疊起來最大33 x 22 x 7厘米,易於存放,重量僅為1.8千克。Procedos鍛煉系統是圍繞人體運動的基礎而構建的。 它的可變系統適用於所有個人。好處在Procedos Platform 9™上進行的培訓為您帶來:強度靈活性耐力Procedos用於改進:

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