10 Übungen mit Ball auf der Procedos Platform9

Warum diese Übungen effektiv sind Kognitive Entwicklung: Die Ballkontrolle erfordert Fokus, schnelle Entscheidungen und Multitasking. Balance: Die verschiedenen Positionen auf der Plattform fordern die Stabilität und Körperkontrolle. Reaktionszeit: Ballprellen und -fangen unter dynamischen Bedingungen schärfen die Reflexe. Anpassbarkeit: Diese Übungen eignen sich für Sportler zur Leistungssteigerung, Senioren zur Stabilitätsverbesserung und Kinder zur Entwicklung motorischer Fähigkeiten. Die Kombination der Procedos Platform9-Referenzpunkte mit Ballhandling bietet ein umfassendes Training für körperliche und kognitive Entwicklung.

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P.E.One grupclass training with Procedos Platform9

Post in the Instagram from coach @_fridadahl I'm in love again.  In sweat, skin, endorphins and energy.  In loud music and fighting spirit.  Love to be back at work and kick off the body with lots of exercise now after a nice summer 💙 Love how good it makes you feel.  I am clearly the best version of myself when I activate the body regularly and it Give me response! The picture is after my absolute favourite workout: P.E One.  In that session, strength, explosiveness, reaction and movement in different directions are trained and challenged.  @ahlinjenny you are a genius 🙏 Two things I can say about that class, 1. I ALWAYS have exercise pain the days after.  Says something...

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Movement Variability with procedos Platform9

• We automatically decrease movement variability with given tasks. Performance in many sports is about stiffness in certain regions in certain tasks. If we mobilize the segment, we might hinder performance and increase risk of injury. An example can be an old dancer or an old swimmer who have mobility but who have lost the integrity/stiffness when they stopped doing their sport. • Our goal is to maintain, increase or decrease MV depending on the person and on the task. • We believe that given the right exercise, the system will take care of the MV, as it is a self- regulating system. • In changing MV verbal cues are unlikely to produce a sustained learning environment. We believe that...

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What is Function?

We define function as the summation of an individuals needs and wants required to accomplish a goal. Therefore, in order for an exercise to be functional, it must have a purpose. We will use the R3 programming to identify, categorize, then program for each client’s individual goals. By understanding and implementing the Functional Sphere, we can assess and RESTORE motion.   1st Principle Functional Sphere Satisfy Needs What Is It? Imagine a giant bubble surrounding your body. Where does it end? By using either your hand or foot, reach as far away from your body as possible in all directions. These are the outer limits of your current functional sphere. And it is within this sphere where all functional exercise...

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