To make the best choices of exercises for our clients, we need to consider:
- Wants
- Needs
- Structure tolerance
- Stress tolerance
- Practicality
- Regression – Progression of the exercise
- Specific – Unspecific
After all of the above has been assessed together with the client, we can start to address the exercises
that will be put into a program.
Depending on the type of client we work with, we need to consider
movements that are involved in
- Hygiene
- Daily living, work
- Sports
- Hobby
It is obvious that some movements are more important than others to live a healthy life with a normal, functional range of motions. If we have problems with things like washing our hair or putting socks on, there are daily restrictions in movement. These kinds of limitations should be addressed immediately.
As it pertains to athletes, our objective is to plan their program for both the reinforce and the restore. There are specific demands of motion in certain joints and we need to establish a buffer zone to withstand forces that happen during play. Another component to consider is the fact that muscle fatigue changes movement behavior. If the exercise is the test and the test is the exercise, we need to train people to muscle fatigue to see how the test changes. Since the Platform 9™ provides real-time feedback during strength and conditioning, we can quickly change the vertical, horizontal or angle
component and look for ultimate success in a movement – even during fatigue.