Foundational Movements
Procedos definition of foundational movements:
Foundational Movements has been learned without any coaching or verbal cueing, these movements we learn at a young age. They are used both in sports and everyday life.They are the essence of human movement.
Procedos definition of each foundational movement:
Hinge - Rotation around a specific joint
Squat - Has no flight phase and always a vertical translation.
Lunge - Is characterized by a step with horizontal & a vertical displacement and return.
Pivot - Driver moving to two or more spots off a fixed segment
Reach - Movements that are driven by extremities in space, toward a desired target.
Lift - Producing a force from point A to B in space.
Push - Applying a force away from the body.
Pull - Applying a force towards to the body.
Jump - Defying gravity on one or two feet and landing on two feet.
React - Task driven exercise focusing on cognitive benefits
Variables of movement
Our mission is to recreate, restore and reinforce the foundation of human movements.
We know that movements in life and sport will take many forms. The rate (speed) of the movement will vary, the range of motion will vary, the horizontal displacement will vary.
We use our variables to regress and progress exercises based on the individuals reactions during class.
Action - This is the type of exersice you are performing
Environment - The enviroment where exercise is taking place
Position - The starting position
Driver -This is the prime body part that drives the exercise.
Direction - This is where you are taking the exercise in 3D space
Height - The verticality of the exercise
Distance - The horizontal vector of an exercise
Load - External mass or resistance to load the body
Rate - Tempo at which the exercise is performed
Duration - The amount of time or repetitions the exercise will occur