This is a Challenge for you who want to compete! 
Have fun and test your physical skills with control and performance. 
Compare with others and show your strength.


  • Read all the information below
  • follow the link to online scorecard and register yourself as a challenger
  • You can also download and print the challenge score card and register your score after the challenge.
  • Download and use link to timer-music and instructions to be used on screen and speakers with no restricted music rights 
  • *Place challengers Platforms facing each other in safe distance.
  • 5 exercises - each in 1 minute with 30 sec/rest between. total 7 minutes.
  • All exercises needs to be performed like in description.
  • All landings need to be in the correct positions as shown in information.
  • Reach and tap the floor - only reaches and when tapping is counted
  • Count your reps and fill in results on the scorecard after each exercise.
  • Sum it up – and there will be a winner! 


  •  PROCEDOS PIVOT   Start position left foot in 8 right in 1 and go to 2-3 and back 3-2-1. With a touch of your hands on the floor outside the platform every time you come to 1 and 3. After 30 second switch side to right foot in 8 and left in 3 go to 2 and 1 and back in 1-2-3 touching outside 1 and 3 with your hands.
  • Repeat 30 sec/side.
  • Total amount of handreaches touching the floor is counted and added into scorecard.

    • PROCEDOS HANDRELEASE PUSH UP: Start position 3 and 4, do a handrelease push up then switch to 1 and 6 do a handrelease push up and keep on switching. Always change position when laying at the floor.
  • Repeat 60 sec in total.
  • Correct Pushup is with straight body and arms in top position.
  • Total amount counted, every new position is 1 rep, add into scorecard.

  •  PROCEDOS HAND-REACH LUNGE: Start position outside the Platform in the 90 degree angle to the left of the platform. Lunge to position 2, 5 and 8 with right foot and touch 3, 6 and 9 with your right hand. Always back to start position with right leg before you hit a new position/number. Switch side and go from the right to 2, 5 and 8 with your left foot touching left hand in 1, 4 and 7.
  • Repeat 30sec/side (60sec total).
  • Total amount counted, when touching the positions with hand is 1 rep,  add into scorecard.

  • PROCEDOS HAND WALK - MOBILITY PLANK: Start with hands in 1-3 in a straight plankposition. Feet in fixed position trough the exercise. Handwalk to 4-6 and 7-9 then return the same way forward to 1-3. When you are back in start position that is 1 rep. 
  • Repeat 60 sec in total.
  • Total amount of reps counted and added into list.


  • PROCEDOS JUMP REACH: Start position 1-9, Squat down and touch 5 with your right hand and jump to 3-7 and touch 5 with your left hand. Always do a handclap above your head when shifting your footposition. Switch as many repetitions as possible in the positions with hard/loud handclap above head and straight spine. 
  • Repeat 60 sec in total.
  • Total amount of handclaps counted and added into scorecard



    • Official rules and how to sign up instructions below after the exercises descriptions.

    •  ℹ️  This is a challenge in exercises and not *training. 
    • - prepare yourself before participation and warm-up before start.
    • If you have any injuries or movement limitations is up to you to know and feel during the challenge.

    *Training can be done but then in lower speed and duration , with more control and individual progressions for the participants.

    ➡️ Interested to learn how to perform better? - become stronger? and faster?  feel free to e-mail us with questions and we will connect you with Certified educated Procedos trainers.

    * Challenge Can be done Online with Istagram live and screen filming.