Building a Strong Foundation for Teenagers with Procedos Platform9 – Functional Training for Health, Strength, and Mobility

Building a Strong Foundation for Teenagers with Procedos Platform9 – Functional Training for Health, Strength, and Mobility

Adolescence is a crucial period for developing the physical capabilities that lay the foundation for lifelong health and fitness. During this stage, focusing on functional training is essential for improving strength, mobility, and overall well-being. Procedos Platform9 (P9) provides an effective and engaging way for teenagers to build these fundamental attributes through structured, multi-planar movements. Rooted in the principles of Applied Functional Science (AFS) from the Gray Institute, P9 empowers young athletes and active teens to enhance their physical abilities while minimizing the risk of injuries.

Why Functional Training Matters for Teenagers

  1. Building a Strong Base: Functional training strengthens muscles, joints, and connective tissues in ways that mimic everyday movements, helping teens build a foundation for athletic performance and injury prevention.
  2. Enhancing Mobility: Mobility is vital for proper movement mechanics. Training on P9 improves flexibility and joint range of motion, reducing the risk of long-term mobility issues.
  3. Improving Health and Posture: Regular functional training helps combat sedentary lifestyles by improving posture, cardiovascular health, and muscular endurance.
  4. Boosting Confidence: Engaging in a structured exercise routine fosters physical and mental confidence, key to both sports and daily life.

The Science Behind Procedos Platform9 and Gray Institute Principles

The Gray Institute highlights the importance of Chain Reaction Biomechanics, which recognizes how movements in one part of the body affect the entire kinetic chain. Training on P9 utilizes triplanar movements (sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes), promoting:

  • Neuromuscular efficiency: Improves coordination and reaction time.
  • Proprioception: Enhances body awareness and balance.
  • Injury prevention: Strengthens stabilizing muscles and supports proper alignment.

Research supports the importance of early exposure to functional training for adolescents. Studies have shown that multi-directional exercises:

  • Improve bone density and muscular development (Behringer et al., 2011).
  • Reduce the risk of sports-related injuries through enhanced strength and stability (Myer et al., 2008).
  • Foster motor skill development critical for athletic and daily activities (Faigenbaum et al., 2009).

10 Foundational Exercises for Teenagers with Procedos Platform9

1. Bodyweight Squats

  • Execution: Stand at Position 1, perform a deep squat, and return to standing.
  • Focus: Builds quad, glute, and core strength.
  • Progression: Add a light jump at the top for explosiveness.

2. Step-Through Lunges

  • Execution: Lunge forward from Position 1 to Position 4, then step backward to Position 7.
  • Focus: Improves lower-body strength and balance.
  • Progression: Hold light dumbbells for added resistance.

3. Plank with Cross Reach

  • Execution: Hold a plank at Position 1, extend one arm toward Position 7, alternate sides.
  • Focus: Enhances core stability and shoulder strength.
  • Progression: Perform on one leg for additional challenge.

4. Side-Step Squats

  • Execution: Start at Position 1, step to Position 3 into a squat, then return. Alternate sides.
  • Focus: Strengthens glutes, quads, and hip stabilizers.
  • Progression: Use a resistance band around the thighs.

5. Rotational Reaches

  • Execution: Stand at Position 1, rotate and reach toward Position 6, alternating sides.
  • Focus: Improves rotational mobility and core strength.
  • Progression: Hold a medicine ball for increased difficulty.

6. Single-Leg Deadlifts

  • Execution: Stand on one leg at Position 1, hinge forward to reach toward Position 7, and return.
  • Focus: Strengthens hamstrings, glutes, and improves balance.
  • Progression: Add a light dumbbell in the reaching hand.

7. Lateral Skater Hops

  • Execution: Jump laterally from Position 1 to Position 3, landing on one leg. Alternate sides.
  • Focus: Enhances lateral power and stability.
  • Progression: Increase jump distance or speed.

8. Push-Ups with Reach

  • Execution: Perform a push-up at Position 1, then reach one hand toward Position 7. Alternate sides.
  • Focus: Builds upper-body and core strength.
  • Progression: Add a pause at the bottom for time-under-tension training.

9. Squat Holds with Arm Movements

  • Execution: Hold a deep squat at Position 1, move arms laterally toward Position 6, and return.
  • Focus: Builds quad endurance and shoulder mobility.
  • Progression: Extend the hold time or use light weights.

10. Forward Step and Twist

  • Execution: Step forward from Position 1 to Position 4, twist your torso toward Position 7, and return.
  • Focus: Improves core strength and rotational flexibility.
  • Progression: Perform faster or with added weight.

The Long-Term Benefits of Functional Training for Teenagers

  1. Improved Athletic Performance: Functional strength and mobility directly enhance performance in sports like soccer, basketball, or hockey.
  2. Injury Resilience: Strengthening stabilizing muscles and improving movement patterns reduce the risk of common adolescent injuries.
  3. Lifelong Fitness Habits: Establishing a foundation of functional training during adolescence promotes a lifelong commitment to health and fitness.
  4. Mental and Emotional Health: Regular exercise is proven to reduce stress and improve focus, both crucial for academic and personal success.


Functional training with Procedos Platform9 provides teenagers with a structured, science-backed method for building strength, mobility, and overall fitness. By incorporating exercises rooted in the principles of Applied Functional Science, P9 ensures that teens develop the physical foundation they need for sports, daily life, and long-term health. Whether preparing for a specific sport or fostering general fitness, Procedos Platform9 is an essential tool for setting up the next generation for success.