Gamification with Procedos Platform9: Games and Challenges for Counting, Reaction, Strength, and Speed Training

Gamification with Procedos Platform9: Games and Challenges for Counting, Reaction, Strength, and Speed Training

Procedos Platform9 (P9) offers a unique opportunity to integrate gamification into training. By utilizing the mat's marked points, various games and challenges can be designed to make workouts more fun and engaging. Below are examples of games and exercises combining counting tasks, reaction drills, strength exercises, and speed training.

1. Counting Exercises

Memory Math

  • Instructions: Place a series of numbers or mathematical symbols on different P9 points. The trainer calls out an equation (e.g., "3 + 5"), and the participant must jump to the point with the correct answer.
  • Variation: Increase difficulty by adding subtraction, multiplication, or division.
  • Purpose: Combines physical activity with mental training.

Step Counter

  • Instructions: Start at a specific point and count the number of steps required to reach another point (e.g., from 3 to 9). Participants earn points for correct counting.
  • Variation: Add a time limit for increased intensity.
  • Purpose: Trains coordination, memory, and quick problem-solving.

2. Reaction Drills

Reaction Chase

  • Instructions: A trainer or app gives visual or auditory signals indicating which P9 point the participant must touch (with their hand or foot).
  • Variation: Increase difficulty by adding more points or faster signals.
  • Purpose: Improves speed and reaction time.

Color-Coded Reaction

  • Instructions: Use colored stickers on P9. The trainer calls out a color (e.g., "blue"), and the participant must quickly touch the correct color with their foot or hand.
  • Variation: Introduce complex patterns that must be followed in sequence.
  • Purpose: Trains speed, focus, and multitasking.

3. Strength Exercises

Station Challenge

  • Instructions: Assign different strength exercises to specific points (e.g., "squats at point 5, push-ups at point 9"). Participants move between stations and complete each exercise.
  • Variation: Add weights or resistance bands for increased challenge.
  • Purpose: Full-body training focusing on strength and endurance.

Pyramid Strength

  • Instructions: Start at one point and perform an exercise (e.g., 2 push-ups), move to the next point and increase repetitions (e.g., 4 squats). Continue until the pyramid is complete.
  • Variation: Add explosive movements like jumps between stations.
  • Purpose: Gradually builds strength and stamina.

4. Speed Drills

Sprint and Tap

  • Instructions: Start at one point and sprint to another P9 point to quickly touch it with your hand or foot, then return. Repeat for multiple points.
  • Variation: Introduce directional cues or visual feedback to change direction.
  • Purpose: Enhances speed, explosiveness, and conditioning.

Jump Sequence

  • Instructions: Participants must jump between selected points (e.g., 1, 5, and 9) in a specific order as quickly as possible.
  • Variation: Add mid-air rotation or require landing on one leg.
  • Purpose: Trains speed, balance, and coordination.

5. Group Games and Challenges

Team Relay Race

  • Instructions: Divide participants into two teams. Each team member must complete a series of movements (e.g., jump between 3, 5, and 7, then perform a squat at point 9) before the next teammate takes over.
  • Variation: Add strength exercises between movements.
  • Purpose: Promotes teamwork and friendly competition.

Point-Based Obstacle Course

  • Instructions: Create an obstacle course using P9 where each point has a different score based on difficulty. Participants must collect as many points as possible within a set time.
  • Variation: Add rules, such as touching each point with a specific body part.
  • Purpose: Combines speed, strategy, and physical endurance.

6. Combined Full-Body Challenges

Brain and Body Challenge

  • Instructions: Combine counting tasks (e.g., "3+5") with physical movements (e.g., jump between points 3 and 5).
  • Variation: Increase complexity by introducing more advanced math problems.
  • Purpose: Enhances cognitive function and physical performance.

Balance and Precision

  • Instructions: Stand on one leg and try to reach different P9 points with your hand without losing balance.
  • Variation: Add weights in one hand for extra difficulty.
  • Purpose: Develops balance, precision, and strength.


Procedos Platform9 provides endless opportunities to integrate gamification into workouts. With games and challenges that stimulate both the body and mind, P9 makes exercise more enjoyable and engaging for all ages and fitness levels. By combining counting exercises, reaction drills, strength challenges, and speed-focused games, every training session becomes a creative and inspiring experience.