Linear Periodisation
For years, athletes and dedicated performance people have periodised their training to reach
their goals. By periodising their training, they have a clear plan to reach their personal goal,
which can be anything from a World Cup win or a specific date when you want to be in the
best form of your life.
Periodisation means that you have a systematic way of working to vary your training to
achieve progressive results. Today we know that variation in training gives us a strong and
injury-free body, which periodisation more or less ensures that we get. The most important
parameter for achieving it, is for everyone with high goals to be injury-free.
The traditional way to look at periodisation of fitness sports, cardio training and strength is
called ”linear periodisation”. It contains three different parts, macro, meso and micro cycle.
The macro cycle is the longest period. In this cycle you want to build up the body and the
psyche from the ground up, prepare the athlete/exerciser for the hard more intensive
period that comes later in the planning. The macro cycle (which can be up to one year) is
often divided into several meso cycles (usually with 4-6 weeks), then switched to micro cycle
that varies between 1-4 weeks. This is also known as the ”peak the shape” phase.
The disadvantage of ”Linear periodisation” is that the periods are long. Most often only
intensities vary but not the exercises or focus area, either the focus is on strength or
hypertrophy. But today we know that if you vary between strength and hypertrophy more
often, maybe even in each session, it gives us progression in both categories. You distribute
the stress across different segments of the body and that increase the chances of keeping
the athletes injure-free.
The benefits are that it is easy to follow the periods, see results and development. Which
many beginners like and it is clearly better that they follow that plan than not train at all.
their goals. By periodising their training, they have a clear plan to reach their personal goal,
which can be anything from a World Cup win or a specific date when you want to be in the
best form of your life.
Periodisation means that you have a systematic way of working to vary your training to
achieve progressive results. Today we know that variation in training gives us a strong and
injury-free body, which periodisation more or less ensures that we get. The most important
parameter for achieving it, is for everyone with high goals to be injury-free.
The traditional way to look at periodisation of fitness sports, cardio training and strength is
called ”linear periodisation”. It contains three different parts, macro, meso and micro cycle.
The macro cycle is the longest period. In this cycle you want to build up the body and the
psyche from the ground up, prepare the athlete/exerciser for the hard more intensive
period that comes later in the planning. The macro cycle (which can be up to one year) is
often divided into several meso cycles (usually with 4-6 weeks), then switched to micro cycle
that varies between 1-4 weeks. This is also known as the ”peak the shape” phase.
The disadvantage of ”Linear periodisation” is that the periods are long. Most often only
intensities vary but not the exercises or focus area, either the focus is on strength or
hypertrophy. But today we know that if you vary between strength and hypertrophy more
often, maybe even in each session, it gives us progression in both categories. You distribute
the stress across different segments of the body and that increase the chances of keeping
the athletes injure-free.
The benefits are that it is easy to follow the periods, see results and development. Which
many beginners like and it is clearly better that they follow that plan than not train at all.
Nonelinear Periodisation
”Nonlinear periodisation” is the second common form of periodisation. It means that it is a
variation between every week’s session. For example, the first and fourth sessions are
endurance, second and fifth focus on explosiveness, third and sixth focus on strength.
It can also vary from week to week, one week with endurance, one with strength then one
week of explosiveness followed by much rest.
The disadvantage of this periodisation is that it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing for
the beginner.
New exercises, different repetitions and different loads each time, it can
confuse anyone that is not used to the gym/exercise environment.
The advantage is that the body gets progression in all focus areas during the same time.
We give the body more variety, which people think is more fun and the conditions for being
injure-free increases.
variation between every week’s session. For example, the first and fourth sessions are
endurance, second and fifth focus on explosiveness, third and sixth focus on strength.
It can also vary from week to week, one week with endurance, one with strength then one
week of explosiveness followed by much rest.
The disadvantage of this periodisation is that it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing for
the beginner.
New exercises, different repetitions and different loads each time, it can
confuse anyone that is not used to the gym/exercise environment.
The advantage is that the body gets progression in all focus areas during the same time.
We give the body more variety, which people think is more fun and the conditions for being
injure-free increases.
P.E. Performance Periodise In Group Setting.
The trend we see and hope to see more of is that more people take on the ”non-linear
periodisation”, both within sports and in gym facility.
Not that it is necessarily more effective than the linear periodisation, but because it gives us
more variety and the body is not able to adapt to the training, which means, that we are in
constant progression.
With training/load, the body gradually gets better at recovering and adapting to what you
do, the question is not if we need to vary our training to maintain progression, but when.
To optimize the results, we need to vary the tempo, intensity and the resistance. In order to
give us the best conditions for being injure-free we need to vary movements, angles and
Procedos is now taking this idea of periodiasing into the group training, because we see that
many participants who train group training follow the gym schedule and they find their
favorite pass/instructors to train for.
This often means the same type of weekly workout, the same type of exercise week after
week. With Procedos P.E. Performance, we provide the opportunity to get the sports
development in endurance, strength and explosiveness in group training.
periodisation”, both within sports and in gym facility.
Not that it is necessarily more effective than the linear periodisation, but because it gives us
more variety and the body is not able to adapt to the training, which means, that we are in
constant progression.
With training/load, the body gradually gets better at recovering and adapting to what you
do, the question is not if we need to vary our training to maintain progression, but when.
To optimize the results, we need to vary the tempo, intensity and the resistance. In order to
give us the best conditions for being injure-free we need to vary movements, angles and
Procedos is now taking this idea of periodiasing into the group training, because we see that
many participants who train group training follow the gym schedule and they find their
favorite pass/instructors to train for.
This often means the same type of weekly workout, the same type of exercise week after
week. With Procedos P.E. Performance, we provide the opportunity to get the sports
development in endurance, strength and explosiveness in group training.