The Swedish personal trainer Henrik Jönsson is the man behind the Handball player Jim Gottfridsson and his outstanding performance in the championship and there is just great to see the result and the hard work have been paying off. Procedos Platform9 and the Wall9 have been used frequently to optimize the strength , mobility and speed to get ahead of the others in the very physical sport handball. Henrik Jönsson is responsible of the STC gym in Ystad / Sweden and he is always coaching his athletes to become the best and prevent injuries with his training methods. Procedos R3 methods is used to create strength, speed, mobility and balance with control and give the athlete the advantage in the sports...
Introdução É com um imenso prazer que eu, Santiago McCarthy e Thiago Passos apresentamos ao público Brasileiro a PLATFORMA 9TM da companhia Sueca PROCEDOS. Em parceria com o Grayinstitute® nos comprometemos a oferecer uma ferramenta que facilite a aplicação de exercícios tri-dimensionais para os profissionais do movimento e seus clientes. O Thiago Passos e eu estamos sempre a procura de excelência no que fazemos e acreditamos que o seu sucesso é nosso sucesso. O nosso maior desejo é adicionar valor na sua carreira profissional através de conhecimento prático e teórico, mas principalmente com o caráter e liderança de quem está a mais de 30 anos aprendendo, ensinando e formando gerações de profissionais capazes de competir em qualquer mercado do mundo!...
Each person will work within the guardrails of their own body to produce their own expression of movement. The same movement may not be expressed in the same manner for all people.
But it WILL include rotation
Movement is heavily governed by physics.
We apply force through levers, in a coordinated effort, within all 3 planes of motion.
Rotational training is ‘sport-specific’ to all human movement
”If we train MOVEMENT, muscles will never be forgotten. If we train MUSCLES, movement is sure to be forgotten” Gary Gray
“P9 has added a valuable and unique component to our training at Cinch. We use the P9 in warm ups to ‘switch on’ our clients’ brain, as well as their body; and in the main training component of the session to add variety, complexity of movement and to assist with basic motor patterns. It allows our trainers to be specific with client hand or foot positioning, making the P9 an excellent tool for both individual and group personal training.” – Nikki Ellis, BAppSc (ExSc), Cinch (Macleod, VIC).