Specificity of exercises and how we can create better results with procedos Platform9

Specificity of exercises

  • Exercises should aim to provide the athlete with some transfer to their sport.

  • Environmental monitoring: Ground, recreating situations with reactive similarities.

  • Proprioception: Similar sensory patterns

  • Intention: Similarity in intention of movement.

  • Intramuscular: Jumping 45 degree anterior- vertical

  • Intermuscular: Using glute and leg structures integrated

  • Outside: Similarity in joint movements

  • Structural-Central-Peripheral Energy

    Since it is impossible to perfectly mimic the sport itself, it is a good idea to focus on one or more aspects in transfer.



Central & Peripheral

  • Central = Specificity, exercises very close to movement.

  • Peripheral = Unspecific, exercise not close to movement.

  • Usually separated in S&C.

  • Specific character of movement is important.

  • Movement has to be controlled and structured in the brain. There might be a limited “movement memory”. (2)

  • S&C with variation in overload (motor control & load) in the movement context teaches us to use certain control mechanisms which are rapid and adaptive by nature.

  • Central exercises are very hard to “overload” while Peripheral exercises are non-specific but easy to overload.

  • No exercise can combine high load with specificity, and this is not our end goal either.

  • We believe that a high contextual variation of movement should be used for transferability to the sport.

  • Procedos provides you with the structure and instant feedback so you can take your next step in your training.