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Implementation of Procedos training and strength and conditioning.

Implementation of Procedos S&C There are no ways to directly teach ourselves organizational skills. We can create conditions that optimize the self-regulatory ability to find generally valid principles. This requires knowledge of motor control principles. S&C is a great opportunity to create attractors. Identifying key components of the sports movements is vital in devising the athletes’ exercise regimen. Implementation of body part training provides no learning opportunity for contextual movements. Neither do any specific lifting techniques which are commonly practised in many strength training programs. It should be stated, though, that training by body parts will most likely not cause the movements harm in the short term and it might provide other kind of stimuli for the body to adapt...

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Health and functionality in focus!?

Health and functionality in focus!? Let´s hope so! Orders in the last weeks from a broad spectrum of customers like schools, hospitals, gyms and military forces. Great to see that they all have the same intention; healthy function in focus!   We are happy to deliver our systematic training system to everybody and are proud of getting the trust in orders from all of our customers. We all have to take care of ourselves, stay healthy and support others in their way of functionality and health. Strength and function when we move in all range of motion.   We have clients from athletes to people who need to get started with their training journey and everybody wants och needs to...

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Tillgång till flera hundra olika övningar och träningsprogram med funktionell träning - var du än befinner dig! * Nu utökar Skatteverket vad det så kallade friskvårdsbidraget omfattar och man lägger nu till "träningsappar och andra internettjänster som kan användas för hemmaträning". * Anledningen är så klart pandemin som har fått fart på andra sätt att träna än att gå till gymmet. – Även när det inte är pandemi är det vanligt att träna hemma, med hjälp av bland annat träningsappar. Så Skatteverket gör generösare tolkning av vad som blir skattefritt för arbetsgivaren. Friskvårdsbidraget har tidigare omfattat enklare appar för till exempel stegräkning, men nu får man även köpa appar för träning. @procedos Platform9 GET ON IT -------------------------------------------------------   // English...

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Procedos Online Restore Exercises

Procedos Online Restore Exercises are essential for movement capability. The more stress and strain the body experiences daily, the more we have to restore motion. There is also a change that comes with age – older age means less fluid, more fibrocartilage, and decreased mobility. Younger individuals need less restorative exercises since they have more fluid, collagen with greater elasticity, faster recovery, and an increased global range of motion.  You can fin hundreds of different exercises in Procedos App or the homepage GET ON IT    

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Procedos for golfers

Procedos Golf training with movement and strengthening to create the most effecient exercises for the tasks. With the references of the Procedos Golf Platform the positions gives you the instant feedback about the best way to create success with your swing. When you do that also you do it from the stance where you use to play at the golfcourse - from the grass.  Just fix the Platform to the grass with 4 pegs and you have your perfect golfrange position with authentic feeling in your exercises and preparations for the game. The testing and use have reached several different markets where there is needs in coaching or just inspiration to create some fun games for others. Simple to bring...

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