News — skiier RSS

Prepare for the Ski Season with Procedos Platform9 – Functional Training for Movement and Strength

Training for skiing with Procedos Platform9 not only prepares your body for the demands of the slopes but also improves your overall fitness and functionality. By incorporating dynamic, multi-planar movements with the science-backed principles of the Gray Institute, P9 ensures you are stronger, more stable, and ready to hit the slopes with confidence. Whether you're an experienced skier or a beginner, P9 is your ultimate pre-season training tool.

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Why is Procedos Platform9 good for skiers?

Summary:Procedos Platform9 is an excellent tool for developing all aspects of strength that a skier needs. By incorporating exercises for maximal strength, explosive power, endurance, and functional strength into your training, you can improve your skiing performance, reduce the risk of injury, and increase your ability to control your body in any terrain. Procedos training helps strengthen the muscle groups most active in skiing and improves a skier’s balance, agility, and endurance, allowing you to ski longer, faster, and more efficiently.

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Mathias Hargin with the Procedos Platform9 training in 3D

Procedos Platform9 used of one of the best into the skiierr world Mathias Hargin doing pushups in different positions and always in the balance with LEFT-RIGHT rotations /change. 3d functional training to prevent injury and prepare for a long healthy life. Squats in the positions a skiier is in when racing. exertrnal loads with weights but always progressions with the speed to get the progressions in the functional training. prevent injuries with functional exercises at Procedos Platform9 training.

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