What is Procedos Platfrom9 ?

Functional Training – Procedos P9 Procedos P9 is a training platform that combines functional training with modern technology to help you achieve your fitness goals in an effective and focused way. Here are some of the features and benefits that Procedos P9 offers within functional training: What is Functional Training? Functional training focuses on improving your strength, flexibility, and stability through exercises that mimic movements you perform in daily life or sports. Instead of isolating individual muscle groups, functional training works multiple muscle groups simultaneously, enhancing overall body control and reducing the risk of injury. Procedos P9: Features and Benefits Full-Body ExercisesProcedos P9 is designed to offer a versatile training experience. It includes exercises that target the entire body, from...

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Procedos gives you the tool with Platform9

What is Strength and How Can Procedos Platform9 Help You Train It? Strength refers to the body's ability to generate force against resistance. It can be as simple as lifting a heavy bag or as complex as performing a one-rep max deadlift. Strength is essential for everything from daily activities to high-performance sports and activities. By training strength, you can not only become physically stronger but also improve posture, reduce the risk of injury, and increase your overall functionality in everyday life. What You Need to Train to Get Stronger: To build muscular strength, explosive strength, strength endurance, and functional strength, it's important to incorporate both heavy, foundational exercises and dynamic movements that mimic real-life motions and sports. Procedos Platform9...

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L'entraînement des fentes avec Procedos Platform9 offre des opportunités uniques pour développer la force, la stabilité et les mouvements fonctionnels grâce aux repères numérotés et au design de la plateforme. En variant les positions des pieds, les angle

Résumé Les fentes avec Procedos Platform9 constituent une méthode d’entraînement polyvalente qui peut s’adapter à tous les niveaux et objectifs de fitness. En utilisant différentes positions et angles sur la plateforme, combinés à des rotations du haut du corps, vous entraînez tout le corps de manière fonctionnelle et efficace. De plus, la plateforme offre un système de progression structuré et des repères clairs qui garantissent une amélioration continue et de la variété dans l’entraînement. Cela fait de Procedos Platform9 un outil indispensable pour maximiser vos séances d’entraînement !

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3D Planes and Procedos exercises

3D Planes The human body moves in three planes of motion - the sagittal plane (forward and backwards), the frontal plane (side to side), the transverse plane (rotation right, ro- tation left). Pretty much all of human function creates movement in all three planes simultaneously and in an infinite amount of variations and combinations, if it is in our everyday life or in sports. Please feel free to take inspiration from other educated Procedos trainers, athletes and other users in our sphere. We also would like to encourage YOU to keep us updated on your journey!

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Procedos APP launch

The launch of the Procedos App last week 14th of May was a success. We are happy to have the system in place to make the handling and use of the content / inspiration and educations in one place. The Apps can be found at App-Store or Google Play. The are for free with aditional purchase subsciption in the APP with more training programs and exercises. The training programs will be in different languages made of the team of international Procedos Master trainers. GET ON IT!

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