Functional Training – Procedos P9 Procedos P9 is a training platform that combines functional training with modern technology to help you achieve your fitness goals in an effective and focused way. Here are some of the features and benefits that Procedos P9 offers within functional training: What is Functional Training? Functional training focuses on improving your strength, flexibility, and stability through exercises that mimic movements you perform in daily life or sports. Instead of isolating individual muscle groups, functional training works multiple muscle groups simultaneously, enhancing overall body control and reducing the risk of injury. Procedos P9: Features and Benefits Full-Body ExercisesProcedos P9 is designed to offer a versatile training experience. It includes exercises that target the entire body, from...
Procedos Utfordring – Vis din styrke og bli med! Er du klar til å konkurrere og teste dine fysiske ferdigheter? Dette er din sjanse til å vise styrken, kontrollen og prestasjonen din. Sammenlign resultatene dine med andre og bevis hvilket nivå du er på! Hvordan delta: Les all informasjonen nedenfor for å forstå utfordringen. Registrer deg som deltaker ved å følge lenken til online poengkortet. Du kan også last ned og skriv ut poengkortet og registrere resultatene dine etter utfordringen. Bruk den medfølgende lenken til tidtaker-musikk og følg instruksjonene som vises på skjermen med høyttalere for å lede treningen. Følg de offisielle reglene og delta på en sikker måte. Slik setter du opp utfordringen: Plasser plattformene: Sett opp to Procedos-plattformer...
The Swedish personal trainer Henrik Jönsson is the man behind the Handball player Jim Gottfridsson and his outstanding performance in the championship and there is just great to see the result and the hard work have been paying off. Procedos Platform9 and the Wall9 have been used frequently to optimize the strength , mobility and speed to get ahead of the others in the very physical sport handball. Henrik Jönsson is responsible of the STC gym in Ystad / Sweden and he is always coaching his athletes to become the best and prevent injuries with his training methods. Procedos R3 methods is used to create strength, speed, mobility and balance with control and give the athlete the advantage in the sports...
Procedos Platform9 -alustalla tehtävät askelkyykyt ovat monipuolinen harjoittelumenetelmä, joka voidaan mukauttaa kaikille taitotasoille ja kuntoilutavoitteille. Käyttämällä erilaisia asentoja ja kulmia alustalla sekä lisäämällä vartalon kiertoja, treenaat koko kehoa toiminnallisella ja tehokkaalla tavalla. Lisäksi alusta tarjoaa jäsennellyn etenemisjärjestelmän ja selkeät viitepisteet, jotka varmistavat jatkuvan kehityksen ja monipuolisuuden harjoittelussa. Tämä tekee Procedos Platform9:stä korvaamattoman työkalun maksimoidaksesi harjoittelusi tulokset!