Procedos Platform9: 世界の主要な武道における機能的トレーニングの重要性

まとめ: 武道の成功に向けた機能的トレーニング Procedos Platform9は、単なるトレーニングマットではなく、武道家のパフォーマンスを最適化し、怪我のリスクを軽減するための完全なシステムです。科学に基づいた機能的トレーニングを統合することで、世界中の武道家は筋力を構築し、技術を向上させ、長期的な動作パターンを確立できます。

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FREE WEBINAR 28th of July with Gary Gray / Gray Institute

  ⭐️FREE WEBINAR⭐️ - Procedos with Gray Institute! Tuesday, July 28th, 3:00 PM EST*** - 21:00 PM CET***   "Your Task? Hit the Target!" Follow links below and register for the Webinar. Or E-MAIL:👉🏻 INFO@PROCEDOS.COM and get a link! AFS Techniques Applied to the Procedos Mat   Dr. Gary Gray from Gray Institute joins Procedos with Jason and Marissa Hamera! in a can't-miss webinar on the power of the Procedos mat.   Are you curious about the Procedos Mat or curious on how to further Applied Functional Science® techniques for Prevention, Performance, and/or Rehabilitation?   Are you looking for more creativity, variation, and progression in your toolbox to continue to impact your Patients/Clients?   This webinar will deliver on both information and application that follows a Gray Institute® mantra...

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Procedos for golfers

Procedos Golf training with movement and strengthening to create the most effecient exercises for the tasks. With the references of the Procedos Golf Platform the positions gives you the instant feedback about the best way to create success with your swing. When you do that also you do it from the stance where you use to play at the golfcourse - from the grass.  Just fix the Platform to the grass with 4 pegs and you have your perfect golfrange position with authentic feeling in your exercises and preparations for the game. The testing and use have reached several different markets where there is needs in coaching or just inspiration to create some fun games for others. Simple to bring...

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easy and fun with Procedos Platform9 into pe classes.

Easy learning and understanding and in the same fun to make it with targets.   The PE versions is spreading with Procedos Platform9 when more techers and coaches uses the tools in their classes. With the easy tasks and targets drives the students around and gets different drivers and instructions.  With the bodyweight training and also their other favorite tools like weights or balls etc it combines or adds more fun to the exercises. Pure joy and also have the references connected to the training is a great and also way to clear and create progressions in the skills.  Procedos have soon the launch of the training programs and apps for everybody to get access to the best workout.

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Procedos Platform9 -alustalla tehtävät askelkyykyt tarjoavat ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden kehittää voimaa, tasapainoa ja toiminnallista liikkumista. Numeroinnin ja alustan suunnittelun avulla voidaan muunnella jalkojen asentoja, kulmia ja lisätä vartalon

Yhteenveto Procedos Platform9 -alustalla tehtävät askelkyykyt ovat monipuolinen harjoittelumenetelmä, joka voidaan mukauttaa kaikille taitotasoille ja kuntoilutavoitteille. Käyttämällä erilaisia asentoja ja kulmia alustalla sekä lisäämällä vartalon kiertoja, treenaat koko kehoa toiminnallisella ja tehokkaalla tavalla. Lisäksi alusta tarjoaa jäsennellyn etenemisjärjestelmän ja selkeät viitepisteet, jotka varmistavat jatkuvan kehityksen ja monipuolisuuden harjoittelussa. Tämä tekee Procedos Platform9:stä korvaamattoman työkalun maksimoidaksesi harjoittelusi tulokset!

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