You deserve to have fun while exercising!

Have Fun In order to gain the brain benefits associated with TASK DRIVEN EXERCISE, cuing it is of critical importance. By sequencing and stacking cues correctly we can create novel tasks for our clients to complete. Thus, the element of play is realized and the physical motions and movements are now reactionary elements to the task driven goal. Using cues Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic Auditory - adding in a verbal cue or a clap with varied intervals can keep a client alert and engaged in the task. Take away the visual by standing behind the client and the the attention becomes more focused on auditory. Visual - great for athletes needing hand- eye coordination. Vary the rate of the cue and...

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Procedos for golfers

Procedos Golf training with movement and strengthening to create the most effecient exercises for the tasks. With the references of the Procedos Golf Platform the positions gives you the instant feedback about the best way to create success with your swing. When you do that also you do it from the stance where you use to play at the golfcourse - from the grass.  Just fix the Platform to the grass with 4 pegs and you have your perfect golfrange position with authentic feeling in your exercises and preparations for the game. The testing and use have reached several different markets where there is needs in coaching or just inspiration to create some fun games for others. Simple to bring...

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3D Planes and Procedos exercises

3D Planes The human body moves in three planes of motion - the sagittal plane (forward and backwards), the frontal plane (side to side), the transverse plane (rotation right, ro- tation left). Pretty much all of human function creates movement in all three planes simultaneously and in an infinite amount of variations and combinations, if it is in our everyday life or in sports. Please feel free to take inspiration from other educated Procedos trainers, athletes and other users in our sphere. We also would like to encourage YOU to keep us updated on your journey!

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Introdução Procedos - Brazil

Introdução É com um imenso prazer que eu, Santiago McCarthy e Thiago Passos apresentamos ao público Brasileiro a PLATFORMA 9TM da companhia Sueca PROCEDOS. Em parceria com o Grayinstitute® nos comprometemos a oferecer uma ferramenta que facilite a aplicação de exercícios tri-dimensionais para os profissionais do movimento e seus clientes. O Thiago Passos e eu estamos sempre a procura de excelência no que fazemos e acreditamos que o seu sucesso é nosso sucesso. O nosso maior desejo é adicionar valor na sua carreira profissional através de conhecimento prático e teórico, mas principalmente com o caráter e liderança de quem está a mais de 30 anos aprendendo, ensinando e formando gerações de profissionais capazes de competir em qualquer mercado do mundo!...

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Procedos On-line education is up at the homepage

BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER ! Procedos certified education is developed through the partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of"Applied Functional Science®", Gray Institute®.6 hours Online education in functional training.On-line certified PROCEDOS EDUCATION BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER  6 HOURS OF ON-LINE EDUCATION IN FUNCTIONAL TRAINING MAKE FUNCTION SIMPLE. Don’t mistake simple for stupid. Our Procedos Platform9 education is powered by the world leader in functional exercise, the Gray institute. Guided by the principles of AFS, our task driven system of functional exercise utilizes a logic that is easy to learn, and even easier to apply.   Begin by learning the concepts of:    The functional exercise spectrum  The functional sphere  The 10 observational essentials for exercise    These...

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