The Swedish personal trainer Henrik Jönsson is the man behind the Handball player Jim Gottfridsson and his outstanding performance in the championship and there is just great to see the result and the hard work have been paying off. Procedos Platform9 and the Wall9 have been used frequently to optimize the strength , mobility and speed to get ahead of the others in the very physical sport handball. Henrik Jönsson is responsible of the STC gym in Ystad / Sweden and he is always coaching his athletes to become the best and prevent injuries with his training methods. Procedos R3 methods is used to create strength, speed, mobility and balance with control and give the athlete the advantage in the sports...
As a P.E. Performance-coach, you need to understand the different stages of learning for the participants:
Level 1
• Delay response and reaction
• Clumsy
• Stop and think
• The participants experience frustration
• No consistency in the movements
• Increased gains in performance
• We need to allow them to start from here
Level 2
• Internal cues important
• Thinking while excecuting the movement
• Refined movement
• Focus & concentration
• Consistent in movements
Level 3
• Increased motor skills
• Paying attention to other things like music and other participants
• Procedos Atmosphere
Have Fun In order to gain the brain benefits associated with TASK DRIVEN EXERCISE, cuing it is of critical importance. By sequencing and stacking cues correctly we can create novel tasks for our clients to complete. Thus, the element of play is realized and the physical motions and movements are now reactionary elements to the task driven goal. Using cues Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic Auditory - adding in a verbal cue or a clap with varied intervals can keep a client alert and engaged in the task. Take away the visual by standing behind the client and the the attention becomes more focused on auditory. Visual - great for athletes needing hand- eye coordination. Vary the rate of the cue and...
Procedos Golf training with movement and strengthening to create the most effecient exercises for the tasks. With the references of the Procedos Golf Platform the positions gives you the instant feedback about the best way to create success with your swing. When you do that also you do it from the stance where you use to play at the golfcourse - from the grass. Just fix the Platform to the grass with 4 pegs and you have your perfect golfrange position with authentic feeling in your exercises and preparations for the game. The testing and use have reached several different markets where there is needs in coaching or just inspiration to create some fun games for others. Simple to bring...
Omer is the owner of NEXT FITNESS GROUP - the israel advanced fitness education school for trainers and fitness club.
the group is specialized in functional training and included 7 master trainers of unique fitness methods.
NEXT FITNESS is the exclusive education and sales cenrter of PROCEDOS in ISRAEL and has qualified over 100 local instructors.
the PROCEDOS is being presented in the israeli international fitness summit EVOLVE as a unique and amazing system for the israel fitness industry.
join us for the unique way of fitness and life!
here can you get acces to tons of content.
1. athletic and paleometric workout
2. personal training
3. couple workout
4. equipment combinations with procedos
5. creative body weight exercises