Diese Übungen kombinieren den Widerstand von Bändern und das Gewicht von Hanteln mit der Funktionalität der Procedos Platform9, um ein umfassendes und effektives Training zu schaffen. Durch die Nutzung der Positionen und Markierungen der Plattform können Sie verschiedene Muskelgruppen gezielt trainieren, den Bewegungsumfang erweitern und einen starken, funktionalen Körper aufbauen.
As a P.E. Performance-coach, you need to understand the different stages of learning for the participants:
Level 1
• Delay response and reaction
• Clumsy
• Stop and think
• The participants experience frustration
• No consistency in the movements
• Increased gains in performance
• We need to allow them to start from here
Level 2
• Internal cues important
• Thinking while excecuting the movement
• Refined movement
• Focus & concentration
• Consistent in movements
Level 3
• Increased motor skills
• Paying attention to other things like music and other participants
• Procedos Atmosphere
The launch of the Procedos App last week 14th of May was a success.
We are happy to have the system in place to make the handling and use of the content / inspiration and educations in one place.
The Apps can be found at App-Store or Google Play.
The are for free with aditional purchase subsciption in the APP with more training programs and exercises.
The training programs will be in different languages made of the team of international Procedos Master trainers.
Platform9 is a floor mat with 9 numbered dots strategically positioned in different lengths, widths and angels to mimic variables in functional movements. This provides a lot of options to move within a functional sphere.
When using P9, task based exercises can be prescribed to reinforce and strengthen movement function is all planes of motion; such as lunges, hops, push-up and reach movements that helps to train your body for both function and performance.
The P9 mat itself can be easily folded and stored away to be used almost anywhere. This also makes it a great companion for travel workouts.
Combinare i principi del Gray Institute sulle reazioni a catena con l'allenamento su Procedos Platform9 crea un metodo olistico che rafforza tutto il corpo. Utilizzando il design della piattaforma, puoi imitare i modelli di movimento naturali, allenare la collaborazione muscolare e migliorare forza funzionale, equilibrio e resistenza agli infortuni. Questa combinazione rende l'allenamento efficace e rilevante sia per gli atleti che per gli appassionati di fitness quotidiani.