Diese Übungen kombinieren den Widerstand von Bändern und das Gewicht von Hanteln mit der Funktionalität der Procedos Platform9, um ein umfassendes und effektives Training zu schaffen. Durch die Nutzung der Positionen und Markierungen der Plattform können Sie verschiedene Muskelgruppen gezielt trainieren, den Bewegungsumfang erweitern und einen starken, funktionalen Körper aufbauen.
7-8th of March in São Paulo in Brazil is the place for the first Procedos education in South America
The team of educators and presenters with Santiago Maccarty, Thiago Carneirinho and Thiago Passos are ready with assistance from Jason and Marissa Hamera.
Functional training with results for athletes in manyb different sports.
Grow glutes get better fit or stronger in the positions you need to be strong in.
Procedos Platform9 is the training tool you need to have progression in your athletic performance.
Yhdistämällä Gray Institute -periaatteet ketjureaktioista ja harjoittelusta Procedos Platform9:llä luodaan kokonaisvaltainen lähestymistapa, joka vahvistaa koko kehoa. Käyttämällä alustan suunnittelua voit jäljitellä kehon luonnollisia liikeratoja, harjoittaa lihasten yhteistyötä ja parantaa toiminnallista voimaa, tasapainoa ja vammankestävyyttä. Tämä yhdistelmä tekee harjoittelusta tehokasta ja sopivaa niin urheilijoille kuin arjen kuntoilijoillekin.
Each person will work within the guardrails of their own body to produce their own expression of movement. The same movement may not be expressed in the same manner for all people.
But it WILL include rotation
Movement is heavily governed by physics.
We apply force through levers, in a coordinated effort, within all 3 planes of motion.
Rotational training is ‘sport-specific’ to all human movement
”If we train MOVEMENT, muscles will never be forgotten. If we train MUSCLES, movement is sure to be forgotten” Gary Gray
Procedos summit with the launch of the new class concept P.E.Performance and the releaseparty of P.E.One no :6 P.E. Performance is here. And the results you want. P.E Performance gives you the best training session to develop your results. P.E. Performance is a group training class where you develop your muscle strength in 3D training with a focus on endurance, power and explosive. ”P.E. Performance" gives you the results you want and more! Are you ready? What is P.E. One - 3D group training? During a 45-min P.E. One-class, you will work in all three planes of motion in an efficient and fun way. We move the whole body as a unit. The instructor is your guide who with a...