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Procedos eductaion in São Paulo Brazil 7-8th of March

7-8th of March in São Paulo in Brazil is the place for the first Procedos education in South America The team of educators and presenters with Santiago Maccarty, Thiago Carneirinho and Thiago Passos are ready with assistance from Jason and Marissa Hamera.    Functional training with results for athletes in manyb different sports. Grow glutes get better fit or stronger in the positions you need to be strong in. Procedos Platform9 is the training tool you need to have progression in your athletic performance.  GET ON IT!

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Procedos Master Trainer education in Prague

Procedos Master Trainer education in Prague 2019 with visit at the Exclusive W Fitness & Spa gym. Master trainers from 11 different countries where together for this education W- Spa gym in Prague was the place for this picture together with the WorldClass founder Uffe Bengtsson  

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Procedos Platform content from Australia

“I was fortunate enough to be sent a Procedos mat to trial with me and my clients training. I have also used it at courses I coach. It is a great way to introduce variability into training sessions.It is particularly useful I have found for two things:1. It is a great way to highlight foot positioning and angles of joints when performing standing or ground based movements. 2. It is a great tool for introducing variability without emotional anxiety for people who are very used to traditional training methodologies. This is a huge win for such a simple tool. “ – Andrew "Chaddy" Chadwick , Movement Coach, Instructor PTA Global, TRX,  (Maleny, QLD).

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Procedos at Fibo convention in Germany

Procedos in the Performbetter both at the Fibo convention. fitnessprofessionals form all over the wold is visiting the Procedos stand with Perform Better at Fibo to see the new Functional training concept!   Group training with Procedos Platform9 and the Master trainer fro Czech Republic Martin Itersky who is strength and conditioning coach for the Spartak Prague team.   

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PROCEDOS PLATFORM9 - ETT FUNKTIONELLT TRÄNINGSSYSTEM Platform9 från Procedos är ett träningssystem med många års samlad träning utveckling och forskning bakom. Platform9 erbjuder ett komplext - men inte komplicerat - system av funktionella rörelser för utveckling av alla individers funktionalitet, rehab, styrketräning eller bara för att ha en rolig träning med tydlig återkoppling till sin egen utveckling eller kroppsliga status. Procedos Platform 9 träningssystem kan användas av alla individer utifrån sin egna nivå och syfte, var som helst och utan begränsning. Utöver våra produkter hittar du även utbildningar för dig som vill utvecklas som personlig tränare, fystränare eller gruppträningsinstruktör. Platform9 från Procedos - övningar för funktionell träning!     PROCEDOS GRUPPUTBILDNINGSKONCEPT- P.E.ONE ® P.E. PERFORMANCE ® VAD ÄR P.E.ONE - 3D-GRUPPTRÄNING? Under en...

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