Procedos in Israel with educations in Hebrew

Omer is the owner of NEXT FITNESS GROUP - the israel  advanced fitness education school for trainers and fitness club. the group is specialized in functional training and included 7 master trainers of unique fitness methods. NEXT FITNESS is the exclusive education and sales cenrter of PROCEDOS in ISRAEL and has qualified over 100 local instructors. the PROCEDOS is being presented in the israeli international fitness summit EVOLVE as a unique and amazing system for the israel fitness industry. join us for the unique way of fitness and life! here can you get acces to tons of content. EXERCISES: 1. athletic and paleometric workout 2. personal training 3. couple workout 4. equipment combinations with procedos 5. creative body weight exercises

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Procedos eductaion in São Paulo Brazil 7-8th of March

7-8th of March in São Paulo in Brazil is the place for the first Procedos education in South America The team of educators and presenters with Santiago Maccarty, Thiago Carneirinho and Thiago Passos are ready with assistance from Jason and Marissa Hamera.    Functional training with results for athletes in manyb different sports. Grow glutes get better fit or stronger in the positions you need to be strong in. Procedos Platform9 is the training tool you need to have progression in your athletic performance.  GET ON IT!

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