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Procedos eductaion in São Paulo Brazil 7-8th of March

7-8th of March in São Paulo in Brazil is the place for the first Procedos education in South America The team of educators and presenters with Santiago Maccarty, Thiago Carneirinho and Thiago Passos are ready with assistance from Jason and Marissa Hamera.    Functional training with results for athletes in manyb different sports. Grow glutes get better fit or stronger in the positions you need to be strong in. Procedos Platform9 is the training tool you need to have progression in your athletic performance.  GET ON IT!

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Procedos On demand training programs for athletes and home training.

Procedos have open thier homepage with plenty of different training programs for athletes and to home trainers. The library with exercises is loaded with more than 400 exercises and there is training programs for different types of classes as well. Active age programs  Backpain programs Senior programs Balance programs React training programs And much more inspiration in the perfect training program - workout. The Procedos Master trainer team have also created individual training programs for many different target groups and in different languages. Just go in and find tthe perfect home workout at The science and knowledge is there and you will have a great fun exercise with the results you are striving for.  

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Procedos Master Trainer education in Prague

Procedos Master Trainer education in Prague 2019 with visit at the Exclusive W Fitness & Spa gym. Master trainers from 11 different countries where together for this education W- Spa gym in Prague was the place for this picture together with the WorldClass founder Uffe Bengtsson  

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Procedos education for personal trainers , instructors and coaches

Procedos education for PT and coaches Our training is developed through our partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of "Applied Functional Science®", Gray Institute® Based on the principles of "Applied Functional Science", our philosophy of functional training uses a logic that is easy to learn - and even easier to apply. During this education you’ll, among other things, learn more about: The functional exercise spectrum The functional sphere The 10 observational essentials for exercise These concepts are the foundation for creating variability within your functional exercise programming and are easily systematized on the Platform9. Learn more at

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Procedos at Fibo convention in Germany

Procedos in the Performbetter both at the Fibo convention. fitnessprofessionals form all over the wold is visiting the Procedos stand with Perform Better at Fibo to see the new Functional training concept!   Group training with Procedos Platform9 and the Master trainer fro Czech Republic Martin Itersky who is strength and conditioning coach for the Spartak Prague team.   

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