Introdução Procedos - Brazil

Introdução É com um imenso prazer que eu, Santiago McCarthy e Thiago Passos apresentamos ao público Brasileiro a PLATFORMA 9TM da companhia Sueca PROCEDOS. Em parceria com o Grayinstitute® nos comprometemos a oferecer uma ferramenta que facilite a aplicação de exercícios tri-dimensionais para os profissionais do movimento e seus clientes. O Thiago Passos e eu estamos sempre a procura de excelência no que fazemos e acreditamos que o seu sucesso é nosso sucesso. O nosso maior desejo é adicionar valor na sua carreira profissional através de conhecimento prático e teórico, mas principalmente com o caráter e liderança de quem está a mais de 30 anos aprendendo, ensinando e formando gerações de profissionais capazes de competir em qualquer mercado do mundo!...

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Procedos On demand training programs for athletes and home training.

Procedos have open thier homepage with plenty of different training programs for athletes and to home trainers. The library with exercises is loaded with more than 400 exercises and there is training programs for different types of classes as well. Active age programs  Backpain programs Senior programs Balance programs React training programs And much more inspiration in the perfect training program - workout. The Procedos Master trainer team have also created individual training programs for many different target groups and in different languages. Just go in and find tthe perfect home workout at The science and knowledge is there and you will have a great fun exercise with the results you are striving for.  

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Movement is heavily governed by physics.

Each person will work within the guardrails of their own body to produce their own expression of movement. The same movement may not be expressed in the same manner for all people. But it WILL include rotation Movement is heavily governed by physics. We apply force through levers, in a coordinated effort, within all 3 planes of motion. Rotational training is ‘sport-specific’ to all human movement ”If we train MOVEMENT, muscles will never be forgotten. If we train MUSCLES, movement is sure to be forgotten” Gary Gray  

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Procedois is adding functional training programs at the web page.

Procedos Platform9 is designed to make functional exercises simple & fun. Platform9 is an effective training tool based on scientific studies from one of the world's most well-known institute for movement, Gray Institute®. Everyone from top athletes and world champions to beginners and professional practitioners uses Platform9 in their training. With our platform’s starting and landing points, angles and directions, a systematic and clear training form is created in which the individual's ability to move is in focus. Platform9 supports and prepares the body for all the different movements we do in everyday life or for a specific sport. Power, balance, coordination and endurance with different tempo where you get the challenge required for a life with quality and function....

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P.E.One Demo tour in Finland

P.E.One grouptraining tour in Finland together with the Procedos mastertrainers Luukas Tukia and Timo Kiiski       Procedos workshops for PT and coaches Our training is developed through our partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of "Applied Functional Science®", Gray Institute® Based on the principles of "Applied Functional Science", our philosophy of functional training uses a logic that is easy to learn - and even easier to apply.

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