The launch of the Procedos Wall9 was in Gothenburg at the Sankt Jörgen Park facility together with several internatioinal guests.
The Procedos Mater trainer education was the place for the launch of the new product of Procedos.
The Team and the participants had plenty of time to test and try the new "combination tool" for testing / assessment but also training.
The exercises with Medballs , jump, reload or rect exercises with Wall9 is creating a new level of understanding for the chainreactions in the body, but also makes it more fun to do the exercises.
Tasks and target traing!
Movement in three dimensions has existed for as long as we has been able to move. This means that we can move our bodies forward, backward, sideways and rotate. So it is nothing new but "just a label" we put on different types of movements to be able to call it 3D training. Everything in the body moves three-dimensionally all the time when we move. Everything from the legs in the foot to the muscles and tissues and more - everything can move forwards, backwards, sideways and rotate.-Mobility and stability. It moves all the time and needs to be able to do it for the body to function. Then there is always a plane that moves more dominantly, but all...
Procedos 10 Observational Essentials 10 Observational Essentials or Variations Action - This is the type of exercise you are performing Environment - The location the exercise is taking place Position - Refers to the beginning position of the exercise Distance - The horizontal vector of an exercise Load - external mass or resistance to load the body Rate - tempo at which the exercise is performed Duration - The amount of time or repetitions the exercise will occur By manipulating the 10 variations we can create a strategy that provides a 360 degree approach to cover all the variability bases related to a client’s wants. Whether an everyday person looking to improve movement quality, or an athlete looking to fine...
The company Procedos AB was founded in May 2015 The Procedos name stands for * PROCEED ( KEEP MOVING, CONTINUE ) * PROACTIVE & PROFESSIONAL * "DOS" in the end of the name : "BODY AND SOUL" Procedos Visions is. "To create a Interactive , inspiring environment for strenth and conditioning , Restore ,Reinforce and React exercises but also for learning , communication and rehab. The Procedos products are easy to use and it´s for everybody in their own physical standards levels." In the beginning of 2015 the Product Manager Jens Derwinger started to develop the products and in september 2015 they launched a product called Procedos Platform9™. The product have since then been produced in different models to fit...