Here are 10 leg exercises on Procedos Platform 9, where we replace resistance bands with a barbell to increase load and strength development. The foot placement on the platform affects muscle activation, which is explained for each exercise.
1. Squat – Positions: 1 & 3 / 2 & 4 / 3 & 5
- Place the barbell on your upper back (high-bar or low-bar position).
- Stand with your feet on position 1 & 3 for a narrow stance, 2 & 4 for a medium stance, or 3 & 5 for a wide sumo-style stance.
- Lower into a deep squat and press back up.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Narrow stance (1 & 3): More emphasis on quadriceps, requires greater ankle mobility.
- Medium stance (2 & 4): Balanced activation of glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
- Wide stance (3 & 5): Greater activation of glutes and inner thighs, allows for a deeper squat.
2. Reverse Lunge – Positions: 5 & 7 / 6 & 8
- Hold the barbell on your upper back.
- Stand on position 5 and step back to position 7, lowering your hips until your knee is just above the ground.
- Press up and switch legs.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Stepping straight back (5 → 7): Focuses on quads and glutes, less balance required.
- Stepping diagonally (5 → 8): Engages hip abductors, increases balance challenge.
3. Lateral Lunge – Positions: 2 & 8 / 3 & 9
- Hold the barbell on your upper back.
- Stand on position 2, take a large step to position 8, and lower your hips while keeping the other leg straight.
- Push back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Wide stance (3 & 9): More activation of inner thighs and glutes, requires greater mobility.
- Narrower stance (2 & 8): Focus shifts to quads and hip flexors.
4. Deadlift – Positions: 3 & 6 / 4 & 7
- Grip the barbell with a shoulder-width grip.
- Stand on position 3 & 6 and lift the bar by driving through your legs and extending your hips.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Feet in line (4 & 7): Increases balance and core stability requirements.
- Wider stance (3 & 6): More glute and hamstring activation, provides a more stable lift.
5. Squat with Rotation – Positions: 1 & 4 / 2 & 5 / 3 & 6
- Hold the barbell in front of your chest in a front squat position.
- Stand on position 1 & 4, squat down and rotate your upper body to one side, come up and rotate to the other side.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Narrow stance (1 & 4): More emphasis on quads and core stability.
- Wide stance (3 & 6): Greater engagement of glutes and obliques.
6. Single-Leg Deadlift – Positions: 3 & 6 / 4 & 7
- Hold the barbell in front of your body.
- Stand on position 3, hinge forward on one leg while extending the other leg backward.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Feet in line (4 & 7): Requires greater balance and core engagement.
- Narrow stance (3 & 6): More stable, increased glute activation.
7. Good Mornings – Positions: 2 & 4 / 3 & 6
- Place the barbell on your upper back.
- Stand on position 2 & 4, hinge at the hips to lower your torso forward, then return to the start position.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Narrow stance (2 & 4): More focus on hamstrings and lower back.
- Wide stance (3 & 6): More stable, increased glute activation.
8. Bulgarian Split Squat – Positions: 5 & 9 / 6 & 10
- Place your back foot on an elevated surface, stand with your front foot on position 5.
- Hold the barbell on your upper back and lower into a lunge.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Feet in line (6 & 10): More core and ankle stability required.
- Staggered stance (5 & 9): More stable, allows for greater range of motion.
9. Side Step with Barbell – Positions: 2 → 8 / 3 → 9
- Hold the barbell on your upper back.
- Stand on position 2, take a lateral step to position 8, stay low, and keep stepping sideways.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Feet in line (2 → 8): More focus on quads and knee stability.
- Wider stance (3 → 9): More glute and hip abductor activation.
10. Step-Up with Barbell – Positions: 5 & 7 / 6 & 8
- Place one foot on a step or box at position 5.
- Hold the barbell on your upper back and step up, lifting the opposite knee high.
Effect of Foot Position:
- Feet in line (6 & 8): Requires balance and knee stability.
- Staggered stance (5 & 7): More stable, better for power development.
Summary: How Foot Position Affects Load Distribution
- Narrow stance: More quad activation, requires greater balance and mobility.
- Wide stance: More glute and inner thigh activation, provides a more stable base.
- Feet in line: Increases balance and core engagement, good for sport-specific training.
By adjusting foot placement on Procedos Platform 9, you can target different muscle groups and improve mobility, balance, and strength while training with a barbell. 💪🔥