Procedos sees each INDIVIDUAL as a WHOLE with individual nuances, history and unique asymmetries. Only when we understand the needs of the individual and how these correlate with the principles of nature can we develop specific, individual interventions. Through this process, the ultimate goal is to increase health, an individual FUNCTIONAL health that is unique to the individual. This approach differs from the concept that the organism is a mechanical object, we believe in a neurobiological model - that the body is a self-regulating system. Four primary tissues in the body Epithelial tissue that covers the body's surfaces. Protection, excretion and absorption Muscle - tissue contraction Nerve - tissue for sensitivity and innervation Connective tissue (CT) - support, nutrition, protection,...
Procedos purpose with Restore exercises is to gain motion potential. More motion in a joint will lead to other recruitment potential for muscles. Changes in recruitment of muscles lead to the potential for movement variability. Restore Exercises are characterized by low-loading (only bodyweight or less) and slow dynamic movements. When restrictions are found, the goal is to work as close to the restriction as possible without going into the restricted angle/depth. Work around the problem, - not in the problem. Procedos Platform 9™ provides a framework for measurements and external cues. This makes it easy to track progress in movement ranges, perception of stretch load and so on. It is vital to understand the individual aspect of restrictions of...
Strength and conditioning The purpose with reinforce exercises is to load motion in respect to what is functional for the individual. There is evidence for movement pattern specificity, but we must also think about the general health of the body, for which the loading parameters are often unspesific. Reinforce exercises are often characterized by a high rate and/or external load to the tissues. They are also performed directly after we have restored motion. While doing the movement, we are looking for is working without load and with speed we typically load the movement. This is when we must take in consideration what the loading mechanism itself does to the desired movement. Duration: While working to reinforce exercises, we typically...
Lassen Sie uns über funktionelles Training sprechen - Procedos Platform9 Funktionstraining oder Funktionstraining auf Französisch hilft dabei, Körper und Muskeln auf Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens vorzubereiten, indem Verletzungen vermieden und die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit verbessert werden.Procedos platform9 ist eine funktionale Trainingsmatte, die nach langjähriger Forschung (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gray Institute) entwickelt wurde. Es bietet die Möglichkeit, funktionale Trainingsstrategien in alle Ihre Workouts zu integrieren, um täglich effizienter zu sein.Es wird sowohl zur körperlichen Vorbereitung als auch zur Rehabilitation eingesetzt.Die Procedos Platform 9 ™ -Matte ermöglicht einen einfachen und systemischen Ansatz für das Funktionstraining.Einfach zu bedienen und macht Spaß, es bringt Ihnen schnell Vorteile in Bezug auf:Verbesserte Qualität Ihrer BewegungenVerbesserung Ihrer KörperzusammensetzungPrävention von Verletzungen.Bieten Sie mit Procedos ein optimales funktionelles Trainingserlebnis.Wird...
P9 EXERCISE SYSTEM The platform serves as a foundation for movement variables. This includes length, width and angles. Since every functional movement has an angle, as well as vertical and horizontal displacement, we want to mimic those variables. Functional movements are not typically performed twice or more in the exact same manner, not in life or in sports. On the P9 we can choose what type of movements we want to execute. By, for example, using the different dots (numbers) on P9, we can create a movement variable that changes with each repetition. The change can take place through altering movement length, width and/or angle. This creates not only different motor-learning aspects and proprioception, but it also spreads out...