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20 Exerciții de Reacție cu Procedos Platform9

Concluzie Aceste 20 de exerciții cu Procedos Platform9 oferă o metodă variată și provocatoare de a antrena reacția, echilibrul și forța. Ele pot fi adaptate la diferite niveluri de pregătire prin modificarea distanței, înălțimii sau vitezei săriturilor. Sunt ideale pentru sportivi care doresc să îmbunătățească explozivitatea și agilitatea, indiferent de sportul practicat.

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10 Övningar med Boll på Procedos Platform9

Sammanfattning av Fördelar Kognitiv utveckling: Bollkontrollen kräver fokus och snabb problemlösning. Balans: Plattformens olika positioner utmanar stabiliteten. Reaktionsförmåga: Att studsa och fånga bollen tränar snabba beslut och timing. Anpassbarhet: Övningarna är lämpliga för idrottare, äldre som vill förbättra sin balans och barn som utvecklar motorik och koordination. Dessa övningar är perfekta för att förbättra både fysiska och mentala färdigheter, och de är enkla att anpassa för olika åldrar och nivåer.

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The Science and the human shape!

When we think about the forces we can apply to the user of P9 exercise system we would like to vary the stress and overtime make sure all different force applications are tolerated.One component that is more vital than we previously thought is fluid flow. Adult humans have 60-70% water in the body. The interactions with forces create fluid flow that then shapes us both on the outside and on the inside. Every orgran is attached to the spine andspine movement pumps the organs, which again tells us that movement is essential for health.If we look at the traditional way of exercising, it creates a more local pump effect in a specific muscle, but we do not work in that...

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