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Procedos in France with reseller in d’Antibes

Parlons de functional training Le functional training, ou entrainement fonctionnel en français, permet de préparer son corps et ses muscles aux activités de la vie quotidienne, à la fois en évitant les blessures et en améliorant ses performances physiques. La plateforme 9 de Procedos est un tapis de functional training développé après de nombreuses années de recherche (en collaboration avec le Gray Institute). Il propose d’intégrer des stratégies de Functional Training dans tous vos entraînements pour être plus performant au quotidien.   Il est autant utilisé pour la préparation physique que pour la rééducation. Le tapis Procedos Platform 9™ permet une approche simple et systémique du functional training. Facile à utiliser & ludique, il vous apporte rapidement des bienfaits en termes de : Qualité de vos...

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Gray Institute

Gray Institute Gray Institute® is the world’s foremost authority in Applied Functional Science®– both the convergence and practical application of the Physical, Biological, and Behavioral Sciences – thus providing a logic, systematic process for individualized training and rehabilitation. This logic and power is infused in Procedos product and education, empowering the practitioner to “up” his/her craft for the benefit of the patients /clients. Techniques are not arbitrary; rather, techniques are logical, practical, and powerful – all facilitated with ease by Procedos, allowing the subconscious Chain Reaction® of the body to happen naturally and successfully! Applied Functional Science® differentiates the Procedos product and education by providing a common thread throughout, as well as providing an environment where three-dimensional exercise is easily...

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Procedos at Fibo convention in Germany

Procedos in the Performbetter both at the Fibo convention. fitnessprofessionals form all over the wold is visiting the Procedos stand with Perform Better at Fibo to see the new Functional training concept!   Group training with Procedos Platform9 and the Master trainer fro Czech Republic Martin Itersky who is strength and conditioning coach for the Spartak Prague team.   

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Procedos launch education in Prague 4 March 2017

Procedos education in Prague with the Master trainers Mazrtin Itersky and Martin Thimm from Denmark. Functional training with Hockey coaches and athlete trainers with plenty of experiance i the highest athletic area in their sports. Fitness professionals at Procedos Platform9 to become better in their results with their clients Athletes with Procedos Platform9

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Welcome to the Platform 9™ by Procedos.

Welcome to the Platform 9™ Trainer Course by Procedos You are about to experience an innovative and foundational course in movement training! This course will give you all the essential information and practical interventions on how to use the P9 exercise system. The course objectives are: -Be able to explain the benefits of the platform to your clients and it’s application to real life -Gain a basic understanding of the science behind procedos Learn about the functional sphere and I.V.S. principles -Design and instruct a customized program using p9 platform. The P9 exercise system is a fundamental tool that can help its users enhance their desired skills. Those skills can be anything from a sport that involves a ball or a sport...

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