The role of specificity in S&C Too much specificity will eventually create injury. General movements create more balance in the movement system. Athletes are not necessarily learning specific movements, they are learning the pillars of general movement literacy. Planning the sport training itself with the S&C is vital for exercise choice. In our training methodology we use ~20% “specific” exercises and 80% unspecific* The role of specificity in S&C Specificity might be a shortcut Goal is to produce longevity AND performance, not just performance Specificity is complex Variety is needed to deepen certain attractors of movement • We do not attempt to create the same exact environment as the sport itself, but something close enough. Sometimes structure- specificity is...
Procedos sees each INDIVIDUAL as a WHOLE with individual nuances, history and unique asymmetries. Only when we understand the needs of the individual and how these correlate with the principles of nature can we develop specific, individual interventions. Through this process, the ultimate goal is to increase health, an individual FUNCTIONAL health that is unique to the individual. This approach differs from the concept that the organism is a mechanical object, we believe in a neurobiological model - that the body is a self-regulating system. Four primary tissues in the body Epithelial tissue that covers the body's surfaces. Protection, excretion and absorption Muscle - tissue contraction Nerve - tissue for sensitivity and innervation Connective tissue (CT) - support, nutrition, protection,...
Herzlich willkommen zum Procedos Platform 9TM Trainer Kurs information. Du kommst in den Genuss eines innovativen Grundlagenkurses, der bewegungsorientiertes dreidimensionales Training so präsentiert und vermittelt, wie es unserer Meinung nach umgesetzt werden sollte. Es werden Dir alle notwendigen theoretischen und praktischen Inhalte vermittelt, die notwendig sind, um das P9 Trainingssystem sinnvoll in Deiner Trainingspraxis einsetzen zu können. Kursziele: Nach dem Kurs kannst Du alle wichtigen Übungen auf der Platform 9TM anleiten. Du kannst erklären, warum die Platform 9TM DAS Trainingsmittel ist. Du kennst die theoretischen Überlegungen, hinter dem Konzept. Du lernst die ersten spannenden, herausfordernden und lustigen Trainingseinheiten kennen. Zitate „Der Test ist die Übung und die Übung ist der Test“ – Gary Gray „Es...