Movement Variability (MV) There is no available research on ideal MV or movement capability, so we have to use logical reasoning. In most cases* the clients seem to find their optimal way of performing the task or exercise. As coaches, our responsibility is to observe, give cues, and create other learning opportunities. Does MV give the user better flexibility to adapt to different environments? Restrictions in movement can become low MV. A stable behavior can be performed in varying ways. MR seems to increase with practice. We need to make novel changes to an exercise if we want to increase the stable MV. Complex movement increases the demand for self-organization. “Promoting complex variation in human movement allows either motor development...
Specificity of exercises Exercises should aim to provide the athlete with some transfer to their sport. Environmental monitoring: Ground, recreating situations with reactive similarities. Proprioception: Similar sensory patterns Intention: Similarity in intention of movement. Intramuscular: Jumping 45 degree anterior- vertical Intermuscular: Using glute and leg structures integrated Outside: Similarity in joint movements Structural-Central-Peripheral Energy Since it is impossible to perfectly mimic the sport itself, it is a good idea to focus on one or more aspects in transfer. Central & Peripheral Central = Specificity, exercises very close to movement. Peripheral = Unspecific, exercise not close to movement. Usually separated in S&C. Specific character of movement is important. Movement has to be controlled and structured in the brain. There...
Hablemos del entrenamiento funcional El entrenamiento funcional, o entrenamiento funcional en francés, ayuda a preparar su cuerpo y músculos para las actividades de la vida diaria, evitando lesiones y mejorando su rendimiento físico.Procedos platform9 es un tapete de entrenamiento funcional desarrollado después de muchos años de investigación (en colaboración con el Instituto Gray). Ofrece integrar estrategias de entrenamiento funcional en todos sus entrenamientos para que sea más eficiente a diario. Se usa tanto para la preparación física como para la rehabilitación.El tapete Procedos Platform 9 ™ permite un enfoque simple y sistémico del entrenamiento funcional.Fácil de usar y divertido, rápidamente le brinda beneficios en términos de:Calidad mejorada de tus movimientosMejora tu composición corporalPrevención de lesiones.Con Procedos, ofrezca una experiencia de...
HOW CAN WE UNLOAD MOVEMENTS? One of the most vital aspects of our exercises is the ability to regress them. Since many movements in our system are authentic but not often conditioned, they sometimes need to be unloaded (restored) before loaded (reinforced). In our restore exercises it is common that we use unloading strategies to get the body to move more efficiently. When unloading the body with external support, the body tends to give us more motion. Since motion ability is the essence of all movements, it is important to understand this concept. Motion is also the key to stability, When we have gained new motion with our restore exercises and unloading strategies, we have created an opportunity to reinforce...