Specificity of exercises Exercises should aim to provide the athlete with some transfer to their sport. Environmental monitoring: Ground, recreating situations with reactive similarities. Proprioception: Similar sensory patterns Intention: Similarity in intention of movement. Intramuscular: Jumping 45 degree anterior- vertical Intermuscular: Using glute and leg structures integrated Outside: Similarity in joint movements Structural-Central-Peripheral Energy Since it is impossible to perfectly mimic the sport itself, it is a good idea to focus on one or more aspects in transfer. Central & Peripheral Central = Specificity, exercises very close to movement. Peripheral = Unspecific, exercise not close to movement. Usually separated in S&C. Specific character of movement is important. Movement has to be controlled and structured in the brain. There...
"Everything is energy and all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get
that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philisophy.
This is physic"
- Einstein
Hablemos del entrenamiento funcional El entrenamiento funcional, o entrenamiento funcional en francés, ayuda a preparar su cuerpo y músculos para las actividades de la vida diaria, evitando lesiones y mejorando su rendimiento físico.Procedos platform9 es un tapete de entrenamiento funcional desarrollado después de muchos años de investigación (en colaboración con el Instituto Gray). Ofrece integrar estrategias de entrenamiento funcional en todos sus entrenamientos para que sea más eficiente a diario. Se usa tanto para la preparación física como para la rehabilitación.El tapete Procedos Platform 9 ™ permite un enfoque simple y sistémico del entrenamiento funcional.Fácil de usar y divertido, rápidamente le brinda beneficios en términos de:Calidad mejorada de tus movimientosMejora tu composición corporalPrevención de lesiones.Con Procedos, ofrezca una experiencia de...
Procedos sees each INDIVIDUAL as a WHOLE with individual nuances, history and unique asymmetries. Only when we understand the needs of the individual and how these correlate with the principles of nature can we develop specific, individual interventions. Through this process, the ultimate goal is to increase health, an individual FUNCTIONAL health that is unique to the individual. This approach differs from the concept that the organism is a mechanical object, we believe in a neurobiological model - that the body is a self-regulating system. Four primary tissues in the body Epithelial tissue that covers the body's surfaces. Protection, excretion and absorption Muscle - tissue contraction Nerve - tissue for sensitivity and innervation Connective tissue (CT) - support, nutrition, protection,...