Procedos Platform9 used of one of the best into the skiierr world
Mathias Hargin doing pushups in different positions and always in the balance with LEFT-RIGHT rotations /change. 3d functional training to prevent injury and prepare for a long healthy life.
Squats in the positions a skiier is in when racing.
exertrnal loads with weights but always progressions with the speed to get the progressions in the functional training.
prevent injuries with functional exercises at Procedos Platform9 training.
Exercise programs of any type should be tailored for the goals and needs of the individual. Whether one is training to rehabilitate an injury or disability, weight loss, performance or injury prevention, the Procedos Platform9 is a safe and effective functional training tool wher you can access and get instant feedback in your trainings. Procedos Platform9 Training should be a part of any comprehensive training program across the spectrum of function. Research will continue to be developed to further elucidate the benefits of Suspension Training for rehabilitation, fitness, performance and injury prevention. At Functional Fitness Anywhere, our mission is to democratize world class fitness. We are committed to helping our customers achieve peak physical condition by creating exceptional physical training products...
Welcome to the Platform 9™ Trainer Course by Procedos You are about to experience an innovative and foundational course in movement training! This course will give you all the essential information and practical interventions on how to use the P9 exercise system. The course objectives are: -Be able to explain the benefits of the platform to your clients and it’s application to real life -Gain a basic understanding of the science behind procedos Learn about the functional sphere and I.V.S. principles -Design and instruct a customized program using p9 platform. The P9 exercise system is a fundamental tool that can help its users enhance their desired skills. Those skills can be anything from a sport that involves a ball or a sport...
Launch at the AFPT convent in Oslo Norway!
The team is there to get started to give the picture how to use and have the product in professional use.
Strength and conditioning with multiple use into the exercises.
Always exercises with progressions in speed with procedos
Authentic exercises in 3D with perfection in performance and precision in the small details.
Procedos is the perfect training tool for the strength and conditioning. tasks and targets gives you the perfect understanding of the feedback in your performance.
PROCEDOS PLATFORM9 - ETT FUNKTIONELLT TRÄNINGSSYSTEM Platform9 från Procedos är ett träningssystem med många års samlad träning utveckling och forskning bakom. Platform9 erbjuder ett komplext - men inte komplicerat - system av funktionella rörelser för utveckling av alla individers funktionalitet, rehab, styrketräning eller bara för att ha en rolig träning med tydlig återkoppling till sin egen utveckling eller kroppsliga status. Procedos Platform 9 träningssystem kan användas av alla individer utifrån sin egna nivå och syfte, var som helst och utan begränsning. Utöver våra produkter hittar du även utbildningar för dig som vill utvecklas som personlig tränare, fystränare eller gruppträningsinstruktör. Platform9 från Procedos - övningar för funktionell träning! PROCEDOS GRUPPUTBILDNINGSKONCEPT- P.E.ONE ® P.E. PERFORMANCE ® VAD ÄR P.E.ONE - 3D-GRUPPTRÄNING? Under en...