ChatGPT sade: ChatGPT يُعتبر Procedos Platform9 أداة تدريب مبتكرة مصممة لتحسين الحركة الوظيفية والأداء في مختلف الرياضات، بما في ذلك كرة السلة. إليك لماذا يُعد مفيدًا بشكل خاص للاعبي كرة السلة: 1. يُطور مهارات الحركة متعددة الاتجاهات تتطلب كرة السلة تغييرات سريعة في الاتجاه، حركات جانبية، وأداء حركات انفجارية. يتميز Procedos Platform9 بسطح يحمل علامات مختلفة تشجع الحركة في عدة اتجاهات، مما يعزز العضلات ويحسن التنسيق لهذه الأنواع من الحركات. 2. يحسن التوازن والثبات يحتاج لاعبو كرة السلة إلى مفاصل قوية ومستقرة، خاصة في الكاحلين والركبتين والوركين. يشمل التدريب على Platform9 تمارين تُعزز التوازن، مما يساعد على تقوية العضلات المُثبتة وتقليل خطر الإصابات. 3. يزيد من القوة الانفجارية وقدرة القفز يُعتبر القفز العالي والتعافي السريع من المهارات الأساسية في كرة...
Procedos Platform9 er ikke bare en treningsflate, men også et diagnostisk verktøy som gir tilbakemelding i sanntid om dine bevegelsesferdigheter. Ved å bruke plattformens referanser kan du måle forskjeller mellom høyre og venstre side, analysere dybde, høyde, rekkevidde og presisjon i bevegelsene dine, og lage en balansert og progressiv treningsplan. Dette gjør Procedos Platform9 til et uvurderlig verktøy for alle som ønsker å forbedre styrke, funksjonalitet og prestasjon på en strukturert og kontrollert måte.
FREE WEBINAR PREPARED FOR PADEL! ONE HOUR WEBINAR WITH TOP-RANKED URIËL MAARSEN & HIS COACH! 4th of March at 6 pm CET SPEED-AGILITY-CONTROL Why we train physically for Padel How we train specific for Padel How to improve your Padel SIGN UP NOW! LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS SPECIAL OFFER ON PLATFORM9 WHEN YOU SIGN UP follow the link for your spot in the webinar ✅ With 3D PadelFit the members learn how to overcome their movement limitations and improve performance. 3D PadelFit is unique in the world of padel as it is the first padel clinic concept to link 3D sport specific functional fitness training for padel with on court technics and tactics training. It is created during the 3 year’s...
As a P.E. Performance-coach, you need to understand the different stages of learning for the participants:
Level 1
• Delay response and reaction
• Clumsy
• Stop and think
• The participants experience frustration
• No consistency in the movements
• Increased gains in performance
• We need to allow them to start from here
Level 2
• Internal cues important
• Thinking while excecuting the movement
• Refined movement
• Focus & concentration
• Consistent in movements
Level 3
• Increased motor skills
• Paying attention to other things like music and other participants
• Procedos Atmosphere
Have Fun In order to gain the brain benefits associated with TASK DRIVEN EXERCISE, cuing it is of critical importance. By sequencing and stacking cues correctly we can create novel tasks for our clients to complete. Thus, the element of play is realized and the physical motions and movements are now reactionary elements to the task driven goal. Using cues Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic Auditory - adding in a verbal cue or a clap with varied intervals can keep a client alert and engaged in the task. Take away the visual by standing behind the client and the the attention becomes more focused on auditory. Visual - great for athletes needing hand- eye coordination. Vary the rate of the cue and...