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Entrenar con Procedos Platform9 mientras viajas es increíblemente sencillo y práctico, lo que lo convierte en una solución ideal para quienes están constantemente en movimiento.

Procedos Platform9 no solo es ligero y compacto, sino que también es una solución completa y flexible de entrenamiento que te permite mantener un estilo de vida activo y saludable dondequiera que vayas. Con un peso de solo 2 kg y fácil de guardar en tu equipaje, es el compañero de entrenamiento perfecto para los viajeros. Ya no tienes que preocuparte por encontrar instalaciones deportivas o retrasarte en tu rutina: con Platform9, tu centro de entrenamiento personal siempre está contigo.

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Australia success story with Procedosw Platform9

“P9 has added a valuable and unique component to our training at Cinch. We use the P9 in warm ups to ‘switch on’ our clients’ brain, as well as their body; and in the main training component of the session to add variety, complexity of movement and to assist with basic motor patterns. It allows our trainers to be specific with client hand or foot positioning, making the P9 an excellent tool for both individual and group personal training.” – Nikki Ellis, BAppSc (ExSc), Cinch (Macleod, VIC).

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Training with Procedos Platform9 while traveling is incredibly simple and practical, making it an ideal fitness solution for people who are frequently on the go

Procedos Platform9 is not only lightweight and compact but also a complete and flexible training solution that allows you to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle wherever you go. Weighing only 2 kg and packing easily into your luggage, it’s the perfect workout companion for travelers. You no longer need to worry about finding fitness facilities or falling behind in your routine while on the go – with Platform9, your personal training center is always with you!

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Procedos at Fibo convention in Germany

Procedos in the Performbetter both at the Fibo convention. fitnessprofessionals form all over the wold is visiting the Procedos stand with Perform Better at Fibo to see the new Functional training concept!   Group training with Procedos Platform9 and the Master trainer fro Czech Republic Martin Itersky who is strength and conditioning coach for the Spartak Prague team.   

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A propos de Procedos Platform9

A propos de Procedos   Procedos vous propose un système d’entrainement, formations et conception de programmes d’entrainement.   Mission statement: "Procedos a pour objectif d’offrir un ensemble complet de strategies d’entrainement fonctionnel pour la préparation physique et la ré-éducation."   La philosophie derrière Procedos: ”Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics” – Albert Einstein Le système de mouvement du corps humain est complexe. Pour cela, nous devons comprendre les principes de base de la façon dont les forces agissent sur notre corps. Ces forces agissent sur le...

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