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Procedos On-line education is up at the homepage

BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER ! Procedos certified education is developed through the partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of"Applied Functional Science®", Gray Institute®.6 hours Online education in functional training.On-line certified PROCEDOS EDUCATION BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER  6 HOURS OF ON-LINE EDUCATION IN FUNCTIONAL TRAINING MAKE FUNCTION SIMPLE. Don’t mistake simple for stupid. Our Procedos Platform9 education is powered by the world leader in functional exercise, the Gray institute. Guided by the principles of AFS, our task driven system of functional exercise utilizes a logic that is easy to learn, and even easier to apply.   Begin by learning the concepts of:    The functional exercise spectrum  The functional sphere  The 10 observational essentials for exercise    These...

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Att inkludera gummiband och hantlar i träningen med Procedos Platform9 är ett utmärkt sätt att öka motstånd, stabilitet och funktionalitet. Här är 20 övningar som kombinerar gummiband, hantlar och Procedos Platform9, uppdelade efter olika mål och muskler.

Sammanfattning Dessa övningar kombinerar motstånd från gummiband och vikter från hantlar med Procedos Platform9 för att skapa ett omfattande och effektivt träningspass. Genom att använda plattformens positioner och markeringar kan du fokusera på olika muskelgrupper, öka rörelseutslaget och bygga en stark och funktionell kropp.

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Procedos powered by the Gray Institute

Powered by Gray Institute® At Procedos, we always strive to provide the highest quality and up-to-date information about our education and training philosophy. Therefore, we are proud of our partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of Applied Functional Science®, Gray Institute®   Powered by Gray Institute® At Procedos, we always strive to provide the highest quality and up-to-date information about our education and training philosophy. Therefore, we are proud of our partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of Applied Functional Science®, Gray Institute®

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Procedos Platform content from Australia

“I was fortunate enough to be sent a Procedos mat to trial with me and my clients training. I have also used it at courses I coach. It is a great way to introduce variability into training sessions.It is particularly useful I have found for two things:1. It is a great way to highlight foot positioning and angles of joints when performing standing or ground based movements. 2. It is a great tool for introducing variability without emotional anxiety for people who are very used to traditional training methodologies. This is a huge win for such a simple tool. “ – Andrew "Chaddy" Chadwick , Movement Coach, Instructor PTA Global, TRX,  (Maleny, QLD).

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Procedos in France with reseller in d’Antibes

Parlons de functional training Le functional training, ou entrainement fonctionnel en français, permet de préparer son corps et ses muscles aux activités de la vie quotidienne, à la fois en évitant les blessures et en améliorant ses performances physiques. La plateforme 9 de Procedos est un tapis de functional training développé après de nombreuses années de recherche (en collaboration avec le Gray Institute). Il propose d’intégrer des stratégies de Functional Training dans tous vos entraînements pour être plus performant au quotidien.   Il est autant utilisé pour la préparation physique que pour la rééducation. Le tapis Procedos Platform 9™ permet une approche simple et systémique du functional training. Facile à utiliser & ludique, il vous apporte rapidement des bienfaits en termes de : Qualité de vos...

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