Estos ejercicios combinan la resistencia de las bandas y el peso de las mancuernas con la funcionalidad de Procedos Platform9 para crear un entrenamiento completo y efectivo. Al usar las posiciones y marcas de la plataforma, puedes dirigirte a diferentes grupos musculares, aumentar el rango de movimiento y construir un cuerpo fuerte y funcional.
Training programs on the Procedos Platform9 can be tailored to meet the unique needs of female athletes. Whether the focus is on improving strength, mobility, endurance, or knee stability, exercises can be adapted to ensure they address specific areas of concern.
By prioritizing knee health and functional movement, the Procedos Platform9 is a valuable tool for female basketball players aiming to enhance their performance, prevent injuries, and build a strong foundation for long-term athletic success.
BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER ! Procedos certified education is developed through the partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of"Applied Functional Science®", Gray Institute®.6 hours Online education in functional training.On-line certified PROCEDOS EDUCATION BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER 6 HOURS OF ON-LINE EDUCATION IN FUNCTIONAL TRAINING MAKE FUNCTION SIMPLE. Don’t mistake simple for stupid. Our Procedos Platform9 education is powered by the world leader in functional exercise, the Gray institute. Guided by the principles of AFS, our task driven system of functional exercise utilizes a logic that is easy to learn, and even easier to apply. Begin by learning the concepts of: The functional exercise spectrum The functional sphere The 10 observational essentials for exercise These...