Tävla med Procedos Challenge - var du än är!

Procedos Utmaning – Visa din styrka och tävla! Är du redo att tävla och testa dina fysiska färdigheter? Här är din chans att visa upp din styrka, kontroll och prestation. Jämför dina resultat med andra och bevisa din fysiska nivå! Hur du deltar: Läs all information nedan för att säkerställa att du förstår utmaningen. Registrera dig som en utmanare genom att följa länken till den online poängkort. Du kan också ladda ner och skriva ut poängkortet för att manuellt registrera dina resultat efter utmaningen. Använd den tillhandahållna musik- och timerlänken och följ de skärm instruktioner med högtalare för att guida ditt träningspass. Följ de officiella reglerna för att delta på ett säkert sätt. Inställning av utmaningen: Placera plattformarna: Placera två...

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Procedos summit 2019 in Stockholm

Procedos summit with the launch of the new class concept P.E.Performance and the releaseparty of P.E.One no :6  P.E. Performance is here. And the results you want. P.E Performance gives you the best training session to develop your results. P.E. Performance is a group training class where you develop your muscle strength in 3D training with a focus on endurance, power and explosive. ”P.E. Performance" gives you the results you want and more! Are you ready? What is P.E. One - 3D group training? During a 45-min P.E. One-class, you will work in all three planes of motion in an efficient and fun way. We move the whole body as a unit. The instructor is your guide who with a...

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Procedos new grouptraining concept P.E.Performance

P.E. Performance is here. And the results you want! P.E Performance gives you the best training session to develop your results.P.E. Performance is a group training class where you develop your muscle strength in 3D training with a focus on endurance, power and explosive.”P.E. Performance" gives you the results you want and more! Are you ready? What is P.E. Performance - 3D group fitness? In P.E Performance you will train in 3D, in an efficient, intensive and fun way. During this 45-minute class you will work through the whole body with all the movements you need in your everyday life or sport. P.E. Performance is an interval class with a clear and effective periodisation of endurance, power and explosiveness in...

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P.E.One at Strong Together convention in Gothenburg

P.E.One at Strong together convention in Gothenburg with an awesome team of instructors. P.E. One - 3D group training In P.E. One, you'll train your body to handle all the different movements you'll face in your everyday life - and in your sport - in the most optimal way. We use Platform9 which gives you clear goals for what your body wants and needs to develop within. Through the smart design of Platform9, you’ll be guided to involve your entire body in new variations of lunges, squats, lifts, presses, rotations and jumps. Functional, high-intensity, energetic, fun and easy. 
 P.E. One is “Task and Target – Training simplified.”

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Procedos Master Trainer education in Prague

Procedos Master Trainer education in Prague 2019 with visit at the Exclusive W Fitness & Spa gym. Master trainers from 11 different countries where together for this education W- Spa gym in Prague was the place for this picture together with the WorldClass founder Uffe Bengtsson  

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