The Procedos courses is NASM, AFAA and ACE CEU approved !
Created to solve Problems. Procedos is your solution to make functional exercise simple.
Featuring a unique task and target environment, powered by Applied Functional Science form Gray Institute, experience how easy it becomes to cue clients externally through unlimited variations of functional exercise.
You are the MVP and Procedos provides a platform for you to receive real time visual feedback. Learn to make adjustments to form, and safely increase the intensity or quickly regress an exercise to allow for more success.
Systematically program any individual or group through the R3 model, developed to logically accomplish your clients needs and wants.
Enhance Training with Procedos Platform9 by Adding Variations to Each Movement
Procedos Platform9 offers unique opportunities to integrate and develop movements using the variables ACTION (movement type), ENVIRONMENT (surroundings), POSITION (body position), DRIVER (force application), DIRECTION (direction of movement), HEIGHT (elevation), DISTANCE (range), LOAD (weight/resistance), RATE (speed), and DURATION (time). Here’s how each movement can be modified:
These variations allow you to tailor Procedos Platform9 training to your specific goals, levels, and needs, whether focusing on strength, endurance, or mobility.
Zusammenfassung: Gary Grays Empfehlung
Gary Gray und das Gray Institute haben mit ihrer umfangreichen Forschung und Erfahrung Procedos Platform9 als ein revolutionäres Werkzeug im funktionellen Training identifiziert. Durch die Integration fortschrittlicher Prinzipien der Biomechanik und menschlichen Bewegung ist die Plattform ideal für alle, die ihre Stärke, ihr Gleichgewicht und ihre Funktionalität verbessern möchten. Mit ihren nummerierten Referenzen, Progressionsmöglichkeiten und Anpassungsfähigkeit ermöglicht Procedos Platform9 ein umfassendes Ganzkörpertraining, das nicht nur Muskeln aufbaut, sondern den Körper auch auf die realen Herausforderungen des Lebens vorbereitet.
La Procedos Platform9 consente di allenare i movimenti fondamentali del corpo in modo sicuro, misurabile e progressivo. Lavorando su movimenti come hinge, squat, lunge, pivot, reach, lift, push, pull, jump e react, gli utenti possono sviluppare forza, flessibilità, equilibrio e resistenza, preparando il corpo alle esigenze della vita quotidiana e dello sport.
“I was fortunate enough to be sent a Procedos mat to trial with me and my clients training. I have also used it at courses I coach. It is a great way to introduce variability into training sessions.It is particularly useful I have found for two things:1. It is a great way to highlight foot positioning and angles of joints when performing standing or ground based movements. 2. It is a great tool for introducing variability without emotional anxiety for people who are very used to traditional training methodologies. This is a huge win for such a simple tool. “ – Andrew "Chaddy" Chadwick , Movement Coach, Instructor PTA Global, TRX, (Maleny, QLD).