What is Function?

We define function as the summation of an individuals needs and wants required to accomplish a goal. Therefore, in order for an exercise to be functional, it must have a purpose. We will use the R3 programming to identify, categorize, then program for each client’s individual goals. By understanding and implementing the Functional Sphere, we can assess and RESTORE motion.   1st Principle Functional Sphere Satisfy Needs What Is It? Imagine a giant bubble surrounding your body. Where does it end? By using either your hand or foot, reach as far away from your body as possible in all directions. These are the outer limits of your current functional sphere. And it is within this sphere where all functional exercise...

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What is strength and what are we prepared for? are we always in perfect positions in life?

Strength refers to the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert force against resistance. It is a fundamental physical quality that allows us to perform activities that require muscle power, such as lifting, carrying, pushing, or pulling. Strength can be developed through physical training and is essential not only for athletic performance but also for day-to-day tasks and overall physical health. Strength can be categorized in different ways depending on the context: Muscular Strength: This is the ability of muscles to exert force. It can be measured by the maximum amount of weight a person can lift in a single effort, often referred to as one-rep max (1RM). Functional Strength: This refers to strength that is developed...

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Load and Explode in functional training with Procedos Platform9

Learn how to load to Expload and to be Explosive!  procedos is adding new trainingprograms so you can learn how to control the Decelerative phase of your movement and to be able to have a power concentric output. The perception of the capacity of absorbing force in the lower limbs allows you to be more efficient in your sport movement and also to have a complete setting of motor control in your life. So you can be ready to cut against your opponents on the field or be ready if you suddenly fall in a little hole while you are walking. Decelerative control it's not only about lower limbs, but it's also about your core and your balance.

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Forces "and how we look at our body"?

Forces We have an illusion of the skeletons that hangs in the classroom. One bone on top of the other!    So we think of the skeleton as a solid frame work on which the muscel works on, - but it not that way. - The bones float in the soft tissue. Therefore we need to think differently when it comes to movement health and training. Building a house is based on compressional forces. The human organism is not a house since its shape is based on compression and tensional forces. Traditional strength training really heavily on compression forces, which is only one of the foundations.   Procedos P9 Exercises system rely on how the forces acting together since this...

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AUTHENTIC MOVEMENTS The different dots simulate ground drivers to create authentic movement situations. The angles simulate directional changes in exercises. These Platform 9 markers serve as external cues and have solid science behind them. External cues are proven to not only make people perform better, but they also assist users in learning movements faster. As health and fitness practitioners, we also get the opportunity to observe more natural and authentic movements from the user. BRIDGES THE GAP The key feature of Platform 9™ is that it bridges the gap between different occupations in the field of spatial medicine. It also bridges the gap between screening/observation and training, since these two should really be the same thing. We can now begin...

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