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O treino de afundos com Procedos Platform9 oferece oportunidades únicas para desenvolver força, estabilidade e movimentos funcionais, utilizando as marcações numeradas e o design da plataforma. Ao variar as posições dos pés, os ângulos e as rotações do tr

Resumo Os afundos com Procedos Platform9 são um método de treino versátil que pode ser adaptado para todos os níveis e objetivos de fitness. Usando diferentes posições e ângulos na plataforma, combinados com rotações do tronco, você treina o corpo de maneira funcional e eficaz. Além disso, a plataforma oferece um sistema de progressão estruturado e referências claras, garantindo melhoria contínua e variação nos treinos. Isso faz do Procedos Platform9 uma ferramenta indispensável para maximizar seus resultados!

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Crear un programa de entrenamiento con Procedos Platform9 es tanto sencillo como efectivo, gracias al diseño único de la plataforma con números y marcas que facilitan variar posiciones y ángulos en los ejercicios.

Resumen: Adaptabilidad y desafío Procedos Platform9 facilita la variación de ángulos y posiciones en el entrenamiento, lo que: Activa más músculos y estructuras estabilizadoras. Mejora la movilidad y la funcionalidad en múltiples planos. Prepara el cuerpo para los desafíos reales de movimiento, como cambios de dirección, rotaciones y cargas. Utilizando ejercicios como sentadillas, zancadas y pivotes en la plataforma, puedes crear un programa de entrenamiento dinámico y versátil que fortalezca todo el cuerpo y mejore la calidad del movimiento. ¡Es un entrenamiento tanto efectivo como divertido!

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Training lunges with Procedos Platform9 offers unique opportunities to develop strength, stability, and functional movement by utilizing the platform's numbered markings and design. By varying foot positions, angles, and incorporating upper-body rotations

Summary Lunges with Procedos Platform9 are a versatile training method that can be adapted to all levels and fitness goals. By using different positions and angles on the platform, along with upper-body rotations, you train the entire body in a functional and effective way. Additionally, the platform offers a structured progression system and clear references that ensure continuous improvement and variation in your training. This makes Procedos Platform9 an invaluable tool for anyone looking to maximize their workout!

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L'entraînement des fentes avec Procedos Platform9 offre des opportunités uniques pour développer la force, la stabilité et les mouvements fonctionnels grâce aux repères numérotés et au design de la plateforme. En variant les positions des pieds, les angle

Résumé Les fentes avec Procedos Platform9 constituent une méthode d’entraînement polyvalente qui peut s’adapter à tous les niveaux et objectifs de fitness. En utilisant différentes positions et angles sur la plateforme, combinés à des rotations du haut du corps, vous entraînez tout le corps de manière fonctionnelle et efficace. De plus, la plateforme offre un système de progression structuré et des repères clairs qui garantissent une amélioration continue et de la variété dans l’entraînement. Cela fait de Procedos Platform9 un outil indispensable pour maximiser vos séances d’entraînement !

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easy and fun with Procedos Platform9 into pe classes.

Easy learning and understanding and in the same fun to make it with targets.   The PE versions is spreading with Procedos Platform9 when more techers and coaches uses the tools in their classes. With the easy tasks and targets drives the students around and gets different drivers and instructions.  With the bodyweight training and also their other favorite tools like weights or balls etc it combines or adds more fun to the exercises. Pure joy and also have the references connected to the training is a great and also way to clear and create progressions in the skills.  Procedos have soon the launch of the training programs and apps for everybody to get access to the best workout.

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