Het combineren van de principes van het Gray Institute over kettingreacties met training op Procedos Platform9 creëert een holistische methode die het hele lichaam versterkt. Door gebruik te maken van het ontwerp van de platform kun je natuurlijke bewegingspatronen nabootsen, spiercoördinatie trainen en functionele kracht, balans en blessurebestendigheid verbeteren. Deze combinatie maakt de training zowel effectief als relevant, zowel voor atleten als voor dagelijkse fitnessliefhebbers.
Easy learning and understanding and in the same fun to make it with targets.
The PE versions is spreading with Procedos Platform9 when more techers and coaches uses the tools in their classes. With the easy tasks and targets drives the students around and gets different drivers and instructions.
With the bodyweight training and also their other favorite tools like weights or balls etc it combines or adds more fun to the exercises.
Pure joy and also have the references connected to the training is a great and also way to clear and create progressions in the skills.
Procedos have soon the launch of the training programs and apps for everybody to get access to the best workout.
Platform9 is a floor mat with 9 numbered dots strategically positioned in different lengths, widths and angels to mimic variables in functional movements. This provides a lot of options to move within a functional sphere.
When using P9, task based exercises can be prescribed to reinforce and strengthen movement function is all planes of motion; such as lunges, hops, push-up and reach movements that helps to train your body for both function and performance.
The P9 mat itself can be easily folded and stored away to be used almost anywhere. This also makes it a great companion for travel workouts.
Melhore o treinamento com Procedos Platform9 adicionando variações a cada movimento
O Procedos Platform9 oferece oportunidades únicas para integrar e desenvolver movimentos usando as variáveis AÇÃO (tipo de movimento), AMBIENTE (local), POSIÇÃO (posição corporal), MOTOR (aplicação de força), DIREÇÃO (orientação do movimento), ALTURA (elevação), DISTÂNCIA (amplitude), CARGA (peso/resistência), VELOCIDADE (ritmo) e DURAÇÃO (tempo). A seguir, veja como cada movimento pode ser modificado:
Combinare i principi del Gray Institute sulle reazioni a catena con l'allenamento su Procedos Platform9 crea un metodo olistico che rafforza tutto il corpo. Utilizzando il design della piattaforma, puoi imitare i modelli di movimento naturali, allenare la collaborazione muscolare e migliorare forza funzionale, equilibrio e resistenza agli infortuni. Questa combinazione rende l'allenamento efficace e rilevante sia per gli atleti che per gli appassionati di fitness quotidiani.