Powered by Gray Institute® Gray Institute® is the world’s foremost authority in Applied Functional Science®– both the convergence and practical application of the Physical, Biological, and Behavioral Sciences – thus providing a logical, systematic process for individualized training and rehabilitation. This logic and power is infused in Procedos product and education, empowering the practitioner to “up” his / her craft for the benefit of the patients / clients. Techniques are not arbitrary; rather, techniques are logical, practical, and powerful – all facilitated with ease by Procedos, allowing the subconscious Chain Reaction® of the body to happen naturally and successfully! Applied Functional Science® differentiates the Procedos product and education by providing a common thread throughout, as well as providing an environment...
Parlons de functional training Le functional training, ou entrainement fonctionnel en français, permet de préparer son corps et ses muscles aux activités de la vie quotidienne, à la fois en évitant les blessures et en améliorant ses performances physiques. La plateforme 9 de Procedos est un tapis de functional training développé après de nombreuses années de recherche (en collaboration avec le Gray Institute). Il propose d’intégrer des stratégies de Functional Training dans tous vos entraînements pour être plus performant au quotidien. Il est autant utilisé pour la préparation physique que pour la rééducation. Le tapis Procedos Platform 9™ permet une approche simple et systémique du functional training. Facile à utiliser & ludique, il vous apporte rapidement des bienfaits en termes de : Qualité de vos...
Procedos Platform9 erbjuder inte bara en yta för träning, utan fungerar också som ett diagnostiskt verktyg som ger omedelbar feedback på din rörelseförmåga. Genom att använda plattformens referenser kan du mäta skillnader mellan höger och vänster sida, analysera djup, höjd, räckvidd och precision i dina rörelser, och skapa en balanserad och progressiv träningsplan. Detta gör Procedos Platform9 till ett ovärderligt verktyg för alla som vill förbättra sin styrka, funktionalitet och prestation på ett strukturerat och kontrollerat sätt.
Gray Institute Gray Institute® is the world’s foremost authority in Applied Functional Science®– both the convergence and practical application of the Physical, Biological, and Behavioral Sciences – thus providing a logic, systematic process for individualized training and rehabilitation. This logic and power is infused in Procedos product and education, empowering the practitioner to “up” his/her craft for the benefit of the patients /clients. Techniques are not arbitrary; rather, techniques are logical, practical, and powerful – all facilitated with ease by Procedos, allowing the subconscious Chain Reaction® of the body to happen naturally and successfully! Applied Functional Science® differentiates the Procedos product and education by providing a common thread throughout, as well as providing an environment where three-dimensional exercise is easily...
"Working with neuroplasticity is the key to regaining quality movement repertoires and higher motion IQ. I use the P9 to add controlled complexity to the motion I have my clients retrain into. So far we have great results, plus the texture stimulates proprioception and feels great under bare feet." – Robin Kerr, Level 2 IOM Coach, Specialist Barefoot Trainer, Alchemy In Motion (Noosa Heads, QLD).