Os afundos com Procedos Platform9 são um método de treino versátil que pode ser adaptado para todos os níveis e objetivos de fitness. Usando diferentes posições e ângulos na plataforma, combinados com rotações do tronco, você treina o corpo de maneira funcional e eficaz. Além disso, a plataforma oferece um sistema de progressão estruturado e referências claras, garantindo melhoria contínua e variação nos treinos. Isso faz do Procedos Platform9 uma ferramenta indispensável para maximizar seus resultados!
BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER ! Procedos certified education is developed through the partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of"Applied Functional Science®", Gray Institute®.6 hours Online education in functional training.On-line certified PROCEDOS EDUCATION BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER 6 HOURS OF ON-LINE EDUCATION IN FUNCTIONAL TRAINING MAKE FUNCTION SIMPLE. Don’t mistake simple for stupid. Our Procedos Platform9 education is powered by the world leader in functional exercise, the Gray institute. Guided by the principles of AFS, our task driven system of functional exercise utilizes a logic that is easy to learn, and even easier to apply. Begin by learning the concepts of: The functional exercise spectrum The functional sphere The 10 observational essentials for exercise These...
"Working with neuroplasticity is the key to regaining quality movement repertoires and higher motion IQ. I use the P9 to add controlled complexity to the motion I have my clients retrain into. So far we have great results, plus the texture stimulates proprioception and feels great under bare feet." – Robin Kerr, Level 2 IOM Coach, Specialist Barefoot Trainer, Alchemy In Motion (Noosa Heads, QLD).