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Procedois is adding functional training programs at the web page.

Procedos Platform9 is designed to make functional exercises simple & fun. Platform9 is an effective training tool based on scientific studies from one of the world's most well-known institute for movement, Gray Institute®. Everyone from top athletes and world champions to beginners and professional practitioners uses Platform9 in their training. With our platform’s starting and landing points, angles and directions, a systematic and clear training form is created in which the individual's ability to move is in focus. Platform9 supports and prepares the body for all the different movements we do in everyday life or for a specific sport. Power, balance, coordination and endurance with different tempo where you get the challenge required for a life with quality and function....

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Procedos On-line education is up at the homepage

BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER ! Procedos certified education is developed through the partnership with the leading player in functional movement and the founders of"Applied Functional Science®", Gray Institute®.6 hours Online education in functional training.On-line certified PROCEDOS EDUCATION BECOME CERTIFIED PROCEDOS TRAINER  6 HOURS OF ON-LINE EDUCATION IN FUNCTIONAL TRAINING MAKE FUNCTION SIMPLE. Don’t mistake simple for stupid. Our Procedos Platform9 education is powered by the world leader in functional exercise, the Gray institute. Guided by the principles of AFS, our task driven system of functional exercise utilizes a logic that is easy to learn, and even easier to apply.   Begin by learning the concepts of:    The functional exercise spectrum  The functional sphere  The 10 observational essentials for exercise    These...

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Att inkludera gummiband och hantlar i träningen med Procedos Platform9 är ett utmärkt sätt att öka motstånd, stabilitet och funktionalitet. Här är 20 övningar som kombinerar gummiband, hantlar och Procedos Platform9, uppdelade efter olika mål och muskler.

Sammanfattning Dessa övningar kombinerar motstånd från gummiband och vikter från hantlar med Procedos Platform9 för att skapa ett omfattande och effektivt träningspass. Genom att använda plattformens positioner och markeringar kan du fokusera på olika muskelgrupper, öka rörelseutslaget och bygga en stark och funktionell kropp.

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Procedos education material with credits from NASM and AFAA

The Procedos courses is NASM, AFAA and ACE CEU approved ! Created to solve Problems. Procedos is your solution to make functional exercise simple. Featuring a unique task and target environment, powered by Applied Functional Science form Gray Institute, experience how easy it becomes to cue clients externally through unlimited variations of functional exercise.   You are the MVP and Procedos provides a platform for you to receive real time visual feedback. Learn to make adjustments to form, and safely increase the intensity or quickly regress an exercise to allow for more success.   Systematically program any individual or group through the R3 model, developed to logically accomplish your clients needs and wants.  

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